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Predator and Prey. That's two groups to choose, be the hunter or the hunted. Much of the world is based on that. Carnivores and Herbivores, Omnivores is a group but it's species are divided into these two groups. Except for one, humans. Humans have always been looked at differently, so much so that urban legends, stories, and tales have been created for them since they are rarely seen. Humans instead of coexisting with all animals and be neither hunter or hunted but as defenders. They have isolated themselves into large communities or their own independent countries. One human society is off shore of the animal city, only connection is by one stone arch bridge. The island is a decent size, as big as Iceland.  However there is a wall surrounding the island, a tall wall on the shore that blocks the capital city which is the closest to the animal mainland. And a stone walls that is in the ocean. There's one-way in or out. The island is constantly being guarded, cameras watching the entrance and ships that enter its port. Guards that patrol the gate to watch for any who would dare try to walk across the bridge. But why to high security?  This is due to an unfortunate event 17 years ago, the human government broke diplomatic relations and it could have cause a animal human war but thankfully it did not. Present day, humans live their lives normal, completely unaware what's going on in the animal world. The segregation, racism, and death. Even though they themselves have witnessed and committed these acts in the past. Two sides or three divided. However one certain Princess wants to change that. This is where our story begins at the end of April, on a cloudy Morning...

Main Character: Mary Dragonheart

Other names: Princess Mary, or Rose for middle name

Birthday: April 14th

Height: 5' 5 1/2

Hair style, length and color: long wavy hair, dark brown in light, but black at night.

Eye color: light blue

Favorite things: singing, dancing, acting, sports, sewing, and combat

Personality: she's very giving, never selfish. She likes when people treat here as a normal person which is hard when you are a Princess and everyone acts polite or wants to be your friend due to the title or money. She will get stern if threatened, like her slaps for defense or when she's angry.

Family: her dad King Joseph, aunt Alexandria and Jessica, uncle Harry and Edward, cousin Susan, cousin Lucy, and grandma Mary or Queen Mary the King's mother(Mary is named after her)

Human Friends: Jacob, Bianca, Sarah, Hector, Mason, Maddie, and Hannah

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