Chapter 29 Painting

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Mary POV:

Finals were rough, and I mean rough. That whole weekend was just full of stress, studying from morning's light to nightfall. Monday through Friday was finals, two tests per day, except Friday which was only for those who needed more time to complete their test, and that afternoon was basically to clean out what you have and prepare for next year. But still, it was very hard. Most impressive part was Sunday night, getting ready for bed as Lucy is fully focused on reviewing subjects.

"You gonna go to bed?" I asked

"Soon." Lucy turns a page in her book.

I got into my bed to prepare to sleep, it was about 11 pm. I stared upward in the darkness before falling asleep.

Before I knew it, the rising sun signaled morning's light. I was woken up by my alarm on my phone. Susan climbs down the ladder above me before walking over to Lucy's bed.

"Time to get up... you've got to be kidding me..."

I turned to see Lucy laying on her stomach with her face planted in her school book asleep.

She definitely slept like a log.

I crouched down and calmly shook Lucy awake.

"Hey Lucy... time to get up."

Lucy sluggishly raises her head up, "mmmhh?"

"You fell asleep while studying."

"Oh." Lucy sits up and stretches.

"Well... let's get these finals done." Announced Susan.

I stand up to get ready but Lucy immediately falls back on her bed.

"I don't wanna."

"Oh come on." I grabbed Lucy by her arms and pulled her out of bed. "What's the worst that could happen?"

"Losing your dignity by a school final." Replied Lucy.

She is good.

The rest of that morning was mentally preparing ourselves for the finals. At breakfast, I swear that everyone was doing the exact same thing. Books and papers out doing the last of study before it begins. Jacob, who was sitting next to us, was calmly eating.

"I don't know why you are putting in so much effort at the last minute." Said Jacob, "I mean it's just a final."

"True," Lucy raises her finger as she was head deep in her book, "but we've been here for only 3 months and completely missed two months of the second semester of our sophomore year."

Jacob shrugs as he takes a bite of some fresh fruit.

I was at the moment preparing my note card for math which was my first test. Gently writing down the math equations that I needed to show examples of. Then the bell rang shortly after, and off to our finals we went.

"Good luck Lucy." Replied Jacob.

Susan walks up next to her, "Don't worry, you'll do fine."

"You're right," Lucy takes a deep breath in before exhaling, "I'll do good."

"See you three at Lunch." Waved Jacob as he departed.

We all walked to our first finals and we all separated. I entered Math class and quickly sat down. Got my pencils and calculator out just as the teacher entered. He ushered us to quickly sit down so that we could begin. From left to right, we passed our tests. I stared at the packet full of equations.

Let's get this over with.


That week went by in a flash, everyday felt like the same. But once everything was done, it was peaceful. Except that there was one thing left to complete, the Meteor Festival. Today is the 20th of July, after lunch we were getting ready to head over to the Drama Club before heading over to where the Meteor festival is to continue preparations.

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