Chapter 17 The Canines of Room 701

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Date: May 18th, Time: 11:15 a.m.

3rd POV:

A few weeks have passed and the four humans went through their days as normal. However when that weekend was approaching, May began to have trouble sleeping. It wasn't due to the lack of or caused by stress. She knew what it meant, that time of the month again that most or all women experience. Thankfully she had birth control that her doctor prescribed a couple of years ago for her to use, but she had forgotten to get more. Thankfully she has a bottle of ibuprofen on hand to help at the moment. She woke up groggy and with a headache. And wasn't able to go to breakfast, but thankfully Lucy brought back a muffin and box of juice. Mary sits up.

"Susan." Mary calls from her bed.

Susan leaves the bathroom after brushing her teeth since they finished breakfast over an hour and half ago. But Mary hasn't gone since due to the pain she's experiencing.

"Can I have some water please?" Asked Mary

Susan walks over and grabs Mary's water bottle and fills it up in the sink.

"You still feel awful?" Asked Susan as she hands Mary her water bottle

Mary nods, "yeah."

"I'm sorry. Do you want anything from home?"

That day was a planned trip to head back to Archeania to get some stuff but Mary is unable to go. Normally when her period happens, she's able to do other things. But for this particular day it wasn't gonna be great. Yes she'll try to be happy but the pain is gonna be there.

"I think I'm good. Just birth control, I need a refill at the pharmacy." Replied Mary, "I'm actually gonna wait until the week before last to do something for my dad's birthday."

"Got it." Susan peeks at her phone to check for messages.

Just then Lucy leaves the bathroom and grabs her phone and a bag with some of her gifts she got on her birthday. "Are we ready?" Asked Lucy

"Yep, our ride is here" Susan replied.

"I'm sorry cuz," Lucy walks over to Mary and gives her a hug, "that won't be joining us."

"It's alright." Mary slides back down into her covers.

"Besides, you get the room by yourself." Lucy joked.

"Also Mary, you can also see if you could go out and get some fresh air if you want or food from the cafeteria." Said Susan

"Yeah." Mary cuddles up in her bed.

"Anyways, contact us if you need anything, we'll be back in about 2 hours." Susan opens the door to leave.

"Bye." Mary waves a bit as she watched her two cousins leave.

"Bye." Both Susan and Lucy replied before the door closed and a silence filled the dorm room.

Mary laid in her bed, trying to get some rest but she began to feel abdominal pain. She sits up and looks to see if she has brought a heat pack. But couldn't find it, so next she decides to get out of bed and see if she can get something to eat. It's about lunch time, and Susan said to get some fresh air. Mary swings her legs over the bed gently to ease the pain. She stands up and walks over to her closet area to get her uniform. After finishing putting on her last shoe, Mary stands up and leaves her dorm. She made it outside and proceeded to walk to the cafeteria.

However, she didn't make it halfway when begins to feel a camp in her lower region. She stopped walking and began to regret walking out of her dorm.

'I need to lay down somewhere.'

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