Chapter 27 How To Make Dinosaurs

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Important announcement at the end of the chapter. Enjoy reading 27 first.

Mary POV:

Today was a long one, not to mention it was the beginning of July. But it was getting hotter and now we are in the middle of Summer. At the moment we're in our dorm doing some classic homework, but Lucy was hanging off her bed upside down.

"It's so hot..." groaned Lucy, "why can't we be on summer break now?"

I didn't have to look up from my math book to reply, "Well it's just how the school works."

"Yeah but only two months of summer, why not three?"

"I don't know, besides it's alright." I punched in some numbers on my calculator.

Susan as well was doing homework next to me on the floor.

Lucy decides to sit up on her bed, "So when do we head over to the Drama Club?"

"At 4 which is in about 15 minutes." Replied Susan, "We're gonna meet over there before going to the Meteor Festival grounds together to begin preparations for it."

I flipped the page in my school math book as I continued doing math equations. Susan was reading something for literature class. Lucy was reviewing sea speech. I was now finishing up on the last equation on my homework.

"I'm done." I closed my math book and sat up to stretch.

"Are you done already?" Susan looks over at me.


"I'm gonna be done in less than one minute, hopefully Lucy will be done too."

Lucy raises her hand to do a thumbs up to agree with Susan. I went to her bathroom to get ready before we left. Since we're gonna be doing a lot before the Meteor Festival, I'm gonna probably wear red sweatpants and just a white shirt. I leave the bathroom to grab my close just as Susan and Lucy close their school books.

"Ughh... that was hard." Lucy stretched, "I can say it's harder than Latin classes back in middle school."

"Or Spanish classes." Replied Susan.

"Or French." I added, "But sign language is an easy language to learn."

"Yeah." Lucy gets up and walks to her closet area, "so should we wear red sweat pants and white shirt?"

"Yeah, ohhh..." I remembered something and quickly walked over to my closet area and pulled out red shorts, "I forgot that they gave us this, you are also allowed to wear red shorts."

I held them up to show Lucy.

"Yep, I am definitely gonna wear those." Lucy reached into her folded pants and pulled out her red shorts.

Susan also walks over and grabs her clothes as we all quickly change. When we were done I grabbed my phone and wallet and put them in a drawstring bag before leading the way out.

"So we're just building dinosaurs today?" Asked Lucy.

"Yes we are." I nodded, "That's the only thing happening today, then next week we're painting I guess." I looked over at Susan, "Isn't the Meteor Festival in 3 weeks?"


I looked back at Lucy, "We have a lot of work this month. Not to mention Finals."

"Ugh... don't remind me." Lucy groans.

We left our dorm and headed to the Drama Club.

"Good, you three made it." Sanu greeted.

We saw that Jacob was already there, talking to Dom. Everyone was wearing the same thing, white shirt, red sweat pants or red shorts.

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