Chapter 13 Wolf vs Tiger

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Mary's POV:

I was tired when I woke up. I worked a lot yesterday, plus so many things happened yesterday. I just didn't want to get out of bed, but I have to. Today was the second performance, but this time Bill would play Adler. I just stared at the ceiling of my bed.

"This is gonna be a long day..."

I got out of bed as usual and prepared myself for the day. I already noticed that Susan and Lucy were getting dressed.

"Morning." They both said,

"Morning." I slowly made my way to the bathroom.

I closed the door and walked to the sink to splash some water in my face to help wake up. After that I looked at my right hand, remembering that I fell in the storage closet yesterday. I pushed that memory aside to get myself ready for the day. After a couple of minutes I was ready, I left the bathroom after brushing my teeth to retrieve my backpack.

"What do you think of Bill?" Susan walks towards the door as she looks at Lucy.

"Not sure," replied Lucy, "we shall see what he has to offer."

They both waited by the door for me.

""What about you?" Asked Susan.

"I don't know." I shrugged. "His sword skills are terrible."

"Yeah, at least we saw Jacob beat him yesterday." Susan giggles slightly.

I too was happy because of that, Jacob is such a great friend. We leave the dorms and see Jacob waiting for us. Again he has beat us outside.

"You three look happy." Commented Jacob, "what's up?"

"Oh nothing, just remembering yesterday of the duel between you and Bill." I gave Jacob a nudge. "At least the training came into use."

"Yeah, I would have done more but decided to just knock the stick out of his hands." We all began to walk to the cafeteria, "I wonder... What would you do against him?"

"Well... I would have tripped him off the stage."

They all gave a chuckle, "yeah you would, I forgot you are good at holding your ground." Jacob looked at me and nodded.

We walked to the cafeteria just talking about the upcoming performance. Until we finally enter the cafeteria when we begin to overhear some conversations.

"Yesterday's performance was amazing!"

"Louis was dazzling."

"Where did Louis go?"

"I didn't see Louis when they did the call out."

We listened as we passed, I also noticed some were reading the school newspaper. We get our food and sit down. Susan, Lucy and Jacob begin a separate conversation while I was tuning out their discussion for my thoughts.

I hope Legoshi will be good. He did say that he was part of the acting team for four years but never been on stage. Hopefully he doesn't have stage fright. That would be bad. Being there on stage, with hundreds of people looking at you. Frightening. Also I think I'm getting used to Louis or he is being nicer. I don't know.

I take a bite of my food when I see Legoshi enter the cafeteria, looking groggy.

Whatever the case may be, the club will support him for the performance.

Besides... nothing bad is gonna happen. No one will get seriously hurt. Louis did that already yesterday for not going to the hospital for his broken leg.

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