Chapter 11 Environmental Day

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Mary's POV:

So today started out good, just the normal routine. I get awoken by Lucy, we get breakfast and then school. But today is a special day, it's an assembly. At the moment I was finishing up my last class when the speaker in our classroom spoke.

"Attention all students! Your last period will end early for the assembly, all students must report to the theater immediately after the bell!"

I wonder what it'll be about?

About 15 minutes later the school bell rang, it was 2:30. I packed my binder and began to make my way towards the theater. After exiting the main building I see a line of students beginning to form outside the entrance. I look at the line until I see Jacob waving me over.



"So what do you think this assembly is about?"

"I don't know."

We slowly proceeded towards the entrance as Susan and Lucy joined us.

"Jeez it is packed." Commented Lucy.

It's all students of Cherryton convening together in one place. The theater was being filled up, everyone finding their seats. We walked down the aisle, trying to find us some seats until we see Sanu waving at us. We walked all the way down to the stage where Sanu is waiting.

"Oh good, you all showed up. The Drama Club members are gonna go on stage when Louis gets his award."

'Good for him.' I sarcastically thought.

Sanu leads us to the back stage where everyone from the Drama Club is.

"Hey Mary." Waved Kai.

"Hey." As I walked over to Kai.

"Are you nervous about being on stage?"

I looked down at Kai, "Not really, all we're gonna do is just stand."


We all just stood around talking to each other. I see Susan and Lucy talking with Els, and Jacob having a chat with Kibi. Everyone seemed to be in a good mood, until I saw Legoshi standing away from the group. Legoshi finally notices that I'm looking at him and he turns his head towards me. I smiled at him and waved at him. Legoshi slowly lifted his hand and waved back. Then the door to the backstage opens and Principal Gon enters, including Louis.

"Alright you all, I would like half of you to stand on either side of the podium please." Principal Gon pointed to the podium. We all divided equally on either side, I was on the opposite side of the stand. But then Legoshi walked up and stood next to me. I wanted to say something but I was interrupted by Principal Gon.

"Everyone places!"

Then the curtain lifts up and I'm blinded by the stage lights. When I'm finally able to see, I see a theater filled with everyone at Cherryton. Then Principal Gon walked out from behind the curtain and stood in front of his podium.

 Then Principal Gon walked out from behind the curtain and stood in front of his podium

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