Chapter 32 Suspect The Unexpected

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Mary POV

I was laying on my bed writing in my journal.


Today is July 23rd, and I'm starting to have a weird feeling again. It's not a bad feeling but it has returned once again. My head is filled with Legoshi. I don't know why but he has changed, a couple of days ago he was acting a bit weird and not talkative. However, yesterday there was a power outage at the Meteor Festival grounds. I was then found by Legoshi who searched for me. And I punched him accidentally, thinking it was someone trying to attack me. But after that, I saw that he was genuinely smiling. Don't get me wrong, that's not a bad thing since I was encouraging him to smile more. But that look he gave me, I've seen that look before. In like shows, movies, or when Susan's and Lucy's parents look at one another. I don't know how to approach this, I mean we are just friends, right? After all what we've been through, what we experienced together, or what we saw, but now we're just friends.


I stopped writing to think for a bit before writing again.


I've known him since I met him in front of Tem's memorial. He may be shy, weird or awkward, but he is kind and sweet. Like the times he would compliment me on something then get embarrassed by it. Either way I hope I can get what this all means.


I put down my pencil and plopped my head into the journal.

I feel like a headache is coming...

Raising my head and turning it so I can look around the room. Susan was laying on the ground with a hand towel covering her eyes, she bathed in the sunlight as she was taking a nap. Lucy was sitting on the stool benches next to the window while scrolling through her phone.

"I forgot it's gonna rain tonight."

"Should I bring my coat then?" Asked Lucy.

"Yeah, it's gonna start in the late afternoon and for the rest of the day."

Susan removes her cloth to look at me, "Don't we also have to get the tarps out for the statues?"

"Yes." I nodded.

Susan returned to looking up at the ceiling and placed the cloth back on her eyes.

"Oh my!" Cheered Lucy.

"What?" I jump up, thinking there's a spider in the room.

"They released a new fashion design at Ulta Designs." She squealed.

Classic Lucy.

Lucy runs over and hops on my bed. It flung me up as I described to just sit up, I closed my journal as I listened to Lucy.

"We are definitely going there. Now that I think about it, after the Meteor Festival is over, we can return home for Summer break. It will be nice to see our friends again."

"It would." I rubbed the back of my head.

"And we can go swimming, shopping, camping, go see a movie or a theatrical play."

"You sure wanna do a lot." Replied Susan.

"I do, we do a lot during summer since it's one of the only times we don't have school."

I raised my finger, "Don't forget this summer break will only last for two months."

"Aww... man" Lucy is disappointed.

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