Chapter 18 The Hangout

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Mary POV:

"It'll be fun. Besides you'll enjoy what they have."

Susan turned to me, "I'm not worried about that, I'm worried because we have to sneak into their dorm which we are not allowed."

"It's fine, Jack can distract the dorm mother."

Susan and I were in our dorm room walking around as she was finishing putting away her clean clothes that she washed.

I raised my finger up, "Plus Jacob is already over there so."

"How clean is the dorm?" Asked Susan

"Ummm." The images of the boy's dorm pop into my head, "It was clean."

That was a lie.

"Alright we'll go after I'm done putting away my clothes." Susan picks up her clean uniforms to hang up.

"I'm excited," Lucy rolls over her bed so her head is looking up at us upside down, "I wonder what games we're gonna play?"

"Collot has a game switch, we're gonna bring a deck of cards so we could play bid, maybe get some lunch together, or watch a movie."

Susan finishes putting away her clothes before grabbing a hair tie, "I'm gonna fix my hair, then we can leave."

"Ooo I should do too." Lucy jumps up as well and rushes over to a mirror that's hanging on the wall. She grabs her hair brush to brush her hair quickly.

Classic move there.

For me, I'm letting my hair down as always, Susan by using one hair tie makes a bun, and Lucy just getting her hair into position.

"Ready?" I asked


I grabbed the bag full of games and we left our dorm. After exiting the building we looked around to check if the area was clear. Then calmly walked over to the male carnivore dorm building. Doing one more look around until we entered.

"This is crazy." Susan whispered as we continued ascending the staircase and passing floor 3.

"Don't worry." I reassured her, "it'll be fine."

But as we approached the 4th floor, we heard voices coming towards us. There were boys descending the stairwell.

I spun around, "Back. Back. Back." I whispered loudly as Susan turned and almost knocked Lucy down but grabbed her. We quietly scurried down the stairs, and at the bottom bolted behind the corner to hide.

"This is... insane." Susan panted.

I peaked around the corner and saw a group of male carnivores leaving the building.

Lucy pokes her head out from behind the corner, "can they smell us?"

Susan quickly pulled Lucy back and shushed her. Then one of the male carnivores who was a bear stopped and smelled the air.

Oh god... he can smell us!

Then he shrugged and quickly left to catch up to his friends.

We all gave a sigh of relief.

"That was too close." Said Susan

I turned to her, "let's continue."

We again ascended the staircase up to floor 7, we were passing floor 5 when we heard a voice from behind.

"What are you doing?"

We three jumped as Lucy let out a light jumpscare yell but thankfully it was Jacob standing there.

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