Chapter 5 Cherryton Royals

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Mary's POV:

After I finished reading the article, I continued to work on school work. Tem walked over to see what I was up to.

"Hey Mary, how's the school computer?"

"Oh ummm pretty good. It's like our school computers back home." I continued to type.

We had to do some online assignments, finding our locker numbers and combinations, and getting used to Zoozle. As we worked, Tem walked around to check if we needed help.

"Hey Tem." I call him over.

"What's up, need help?"

"Not really." I try to prepare myself for what I'm about to ask him. "How do you like us?"

"I see you four as humans." Tem looked up at me and could sense that something was on my mind. "What's wrong?"

I clicked on the tab on Zoozle and turned the computer to show Tem. He looks and sees a list of stories, legends of hairless monsters which were about Humans.

"Oh...." Tem got quiet.

"Are we monsters to you?" That was the hardest thing to say.

Tem is gonna think I'm gonna get mad.

"No, you're more than that. You're all special in your own way, unique, and a desire to learn."

I smile at Tem.

He's right. We are all new.

"Thanks Tem."

"No problem, besides you've already proven those stories to be wrong."

What does he mean by that?

I wanted to ask but I looked at the time and realized I must continue my work. I get back to typing as Tem walks over to Lucy.


After what felt like hours, we were done. I popped my knuckles and fingers since I've been typing for a long time. I look over at the others who were putting their books back in their bags.

"That was a lot." Said Lucy

"Yeah but at least it's done and we don't have to do more today." Replied Susan

We pack up our things as Tem walks over to us. "Ok, looks like you've finished your computer work. Now it's time for Lunch."

"Great, I'm starving." Said Jacob

"You're always hungry."

Jacob does a playful punch on my shoulder. We follow Tem to the Cafeteria again, this time all the students are present. This time we were all nervous, sure they have been told of our coming but only some have seen us. We all just stood in front of the cafeteria doors, looking through the window seeing them all eat and chatter to one another.

"You ready?" Asked Tem

I looked at Jacob, Susan, and Lucy and decided.

"Yes we are." I look down at Tem, as well at his wool which fascinated me.

I wonder how soft his wool is?

Tem opens the doors and we follow. And sure enough, everyone in the cafeteria stopped what they were doing and looked at us.

Do we look weird to them?

I lead the group through the cafeteria as we hear some whisper to their friends.

"Those are humans."

"They look weird, where's their fur?"

"What's a human?"

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