Chapter 1 An Unexpected Suprise

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3rd POV:

As the Sun rises on a partly cloudy morning on a April day, the human city comes alive. People get up, and begin their day. People go to work, open shops for customers, or go to government offices to govern. Humans have been around since the beginning, however there wasn't enough room for them as animals were too evolving almost 2000 years ago. They chose isolation instead of coexisting with animals. This human government on this island is a constitutional monarch, which means head of state is a king or queen or both. For hundreds of years it's been that way, the ruling house of Dragonhearts. The Dragonheart family are seen in high esteem due to their ancestors achievements, specially King Ethan who was the first, and greatest out of all Dragonhearts. For he defeated a foe in battle during a dark time in history. Sure they are a constitutional monarch, but they do have little power to exercise with. Like appoint or dismiss prime ministers, declare war, hold a small army, and being the leader of the people/symbol of unity.

As the sun rises more, it's light shines upon the palace. As well as greeting a young woman, 17 years of age sits on her bedroom window ledge. Princess Mary is writing in her journal.


My Name is Mary Rose Dragonheart. I'm 17 years old, and I greet this April morning. I say this a lot but will repeat it, I love this island. The people, music, food, entertainment, and everything that is here on Archeania. But lately I've been... bored. Ever since I was young, my family but mostly my dad has been protective of me. This is all due to my mom, as far as I know, she died when I was a baby. Dad never explained why but ever since then he's always been protective. Grandma would say to me that "you are the only reason why your father's heart hasn't turned to stone as you are his only child and memory of his true love". I think that's sweet. Dad never remarried since nobody can fill the gap that my mom filled in his heart. I always when walking through the halls of the palace, I look at my mom's portrait and wish she was here. I do miss my mom, I try to live up to her standards everyday. Being kind, giving, respectful, and just being true to yourself. Over the past year I've been staring at the wall that surrounds the capital city from the ocean and wonder what's life on the other side like? I've heard that the world is populated with different types of animals. Carnivores, Herbivores, Omnivores, big and small, feathered to scales, flight and swim, it's all interesting. I wish to experience life outside of this island, meet new people, try new things. But the only people who have seen animals are the guards that are on the watch tower looking over the only bridge in and out. And the people who sail the big shipping containers for trade.

Gotta say this secret. A couple of weeks ago, I heard my dad and prime minister John talking about reopening diplomatic ties. Dad was against it, apparently dad does not like animals, especially Carnivores. But prime minister John says that it's the only way to increase the economy and help out in the world. Which brings up my main point, I talked to Prime Minister John about starting a foreign exchange program. It sounds cool, to go to a different school that is different from your own. Not to mention that it's full of animals. Susan and Lucy agree but Jacob is against it. I've known Jacob all my life, ever since my dad allowed his personal guard to have him and his son move in. Basically he is my bodyguard. Jacob's dad has been training me and my cousins Susan and Lucy and other friends in physical combat for defense. We use staffs, swords and hand to hand for lessons. I think this is all do to further protect us. Besides, three princesses and a group of friends who know how to fight sounds cool. Like a superhero team.

But for now, I wait. And hope that the government agrees to start the foreign exchange student program so it will allow me to experience the outside world and further the talks of ending isolation between humans and animal. The experience is ripe for the picking and-

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