Epilogue 40: Summer Time

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3rd POV

3 Days Later

A few days have passed since the meteor festival. It took the Drama Club three days to pack everything up and return it to school. It was in the afternoon when everything was beginning to calm down. Students are packing up and leaving for Summer break. Jacob was leaving his room so he could meet up with the others when he bumps into Jack on the stairs.

"Hey Jack."

"Hey Jacob, how are you?"

"I'm doing good," Jacob replied, "A bit exhausted since the Drama Club brought everything back from the festival."

"At least it's all back."

"Yeah, we brought back the last of it this morning after breakfast." Jacob rubs his face, "Anyways, what are you up to?"

"I'm helping return some of my roommates' school books, they're leaving for summer break today."

"That's good that you're helping."

Jack opens the stairwell door on the seventh floor, Jacob follows him to his room. As Jack enters, he sees Durham, Miguno, and Collot crouched in the middle of their room packing. Voss sat quietly on Legoshi's bed as he watched.

"Did you get my math book returned?" Asked Durham

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"Did you get my math book returned?" Asked Durham.

"Yes." Jack nodded.

Durham notices Jacob standing at the door, "Hey, Jacob."

"Hey guys." He entered their room, "Are you all preparing for summer?"

"Yep." They all nodded except Jack.

"Aren't you gonna pack, Jack?" Jacob turned to him.

"Actually, I'm gonna stay here for the summer. Want to get ahead in some of my classes. Plus Legoshi is gonna stay here too so I also want to give him some company."

"Oh, well that's good."

Jacob looked to his right and sees a sign taped on the door, it read:

"Anyone who gets a girlfriend is on fur cleanup duty forever!!"

"What's that for?"

"Oh that's for any of us." Replied Miguno, "We have a bet that if any of us gets a girlfriend, they'll have to do fur cleanup forever."


Jacob nods as he watches the others continue to pack. After a couple minutes, they finished. Collot kneels down in front of Voss to place him on his shoulder.

"I think we're ready to go." Durham stretched, "My parents are gonna pick me up in half an hour."

"Same." Replied Miguno.

"Do you guys need any help carrying your luggage?" Asked Jacob.

"Nah, we're good." Durham stands up, "But thanks for offering."

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