Chapter 23 Nightmares

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Mary POV:

I've been having nightmares for the last 5 days. Waking up in a sweat, thinking that I still smell the cooking of meat or blood. But all the dreams start the same.



I'm in darkness. Then I appear in the dark market with nobody around, but a dark figure stands across from me. I feel scared and terrified. The figure runs at me as I turn and run away from it. I try calling for help, but no one hears. I dart behind a wall but big hands come out of the wall and grab me. And the last thing I see is a mouth full of sharp teeth.


I wake up sweating, panting heavily. I looked over at my phone that was on my headrest, it was 4:10 am.

I need some sleep...

I laid back down and tried to sleep. Have you ever laid in bed and tried to sleep but you can't? Well that happened to me, it doesn't feel like time has passed but when my alarm goes off. I groggily reached up and looked at the time, it was 6 am. I sighed before laying back down, wanting just 5 more minutes. But then after a bit Lucy flings my bed curtains open.

"Morning Cuz!"

"*Groan*" I responded

"It's 7 o'clock, don't want to be late to school on this beautiful June day?"

I sluggishly just buried my head under the pillow.

Lucy leans over, "come one, don't make me do the thing that you and Susan tell me."

I didn't listen, I was too tired so I didn't respond.

"Alright then," Lucy straightened up, "you asked for it." She reaches down and pulls the covers off me.

She then removes my pillow as I'm met by morning light. Lucy grabs my arms and begins to pull me from bed. Just as she gets me off the bed and across the floor Susan exits the bathroom.

"What are you doing?"

Lucy looks up, "Getting Mary out of bed."

"Oh. Well that's a good thing 'cause the teacher in sea speech will be giving a lecture today." Susan walks over to her bunk above mine and grabs her backpack.

Lucy let's go of me as I got off the ground and walked over to my closet area to change. Lucy walks over to Susan.

"Have you noticed anything different with Mary lately?" Lucy whispers.

"A little bit, why?" Asked Susan

"I don't know, do you think something happened last Friday?"

"Maybe... I don't know. We'll ask after school."

I look over at Susan and Lucy who quickly look up to show they are not suspicious. After getting dressed, we left the dorm silently. Jacob met us outside and he also noticed.

"What's going on?" He whispered to Susan.

"I don't know, we'll ask after school."

We walked to the cafeteria and got our breakfast. I just stared at my bowl of fruit as I zoned out the chattering.

Should I tell them? No, if they find out Jacob will report it and we'll be removed from Cherryton. The relationship between our governments is very fragile at the moment so it is not a good idea.

I looked over at my cousins and Jacob who are enjoying breakfast.

Cause how am I supposed to tell them,

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