Chapter 30 Connection

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Mary POV

"Have either of you seen my white shirt and red shorts?" Asked Lucy


"Are you sure they're not in your dirty clothes?" Asked Susan

Lucy walks over to her closet area. We were just hanging out in our dorm before going to the Drama Club again to prepare for the festival. Earlier Sanu sent a message out to all group members saying that it is optional now to wear the white shirt and red pants. But we would have to wear our school uniform. I was gonna wear my uniform due to the other pair being in my dirty clothes hamper.

"Found it." Announced Lucy

"Are they dirty?" Asked Susan


"Then just wear your uniform."

"Alright." Lucy huffed as she threw her dirty clothes back in her bag.

I decided to grab my bag again for a day of preparation, "Are we ready then?"

"Yeah." Susan gets up off her bed and joins me at the door including Lucy.

We left our door and headed towards the Drama Club.

"Did you hear what happened yesterday?" Asked Lucy.

I looked over at her, "What happened?"

"There was a string of predatory incidents in the town near Zebuth."

"Oh." Susan was shocked.

"The victim was a duck." We were silent, "it's becoming more dangerous." continued Lucy.

"Let's change the subject shall we." Interrupted Susan, "Let's think happy thoughts like the Meteor Festival that is in three days."

I nodded, "Agreed."

We finally made it to the Drama Club, and entered to see everyone was all grouped together as Sanu was gathering all of them.

"Oh good, you three made it on time." Said Sanu, "Come, I have some announcements to make."

We joined the group as Jacob walked over to us.

"What took you so long?" He asked

"Lucy was digging in her dirty clothes."

Jocab broke eye contact to look over at Lucy before returning to me. He nodded before we focused on San who waited until finally Sheila entered.

"Sorry Sanu," said Sheila, "am I late?"

"No, you are on time. I think we are all here." Sanu looked around to check before speaking, "Alright everyone, we are three days before the Meteor Festival. The dinosaur statues are done thanks to our production team. But we have a lot of things to get done, get our stuff moved backstage, lights must be hung above. And continue helping other people around. Also... due to recent events, our schedule has been shortened down. And by the order of the mayor, we must leave at a certain time sadly."

Everyone nodded.

"In the meantime, Dom will be in charge for today since I have a meeting to attend to with Louis later. That's all I have to say, now let's go."

"Right!" Everyone made their way to the door.

"I'm so excited." Said Els.

"Me too." replied Ellen.

I was happy that everybody was in a positive mood and not worried about the news of yesterday.

"Production team, may I talk to you for a bit." Sanu motioned the group over.

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