Chapter 35 The Wolf In Shiny Armor

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Jacob POV

After meeting with my dad, I escorted Susan and Lucy back to their dorm. We weren't hungry, dinner wasn't really something we were focused on at the moment. It was half an hour before 8, and we were just too upset to eat. I watched them slowly enter the building. I made my way over to the boys dorm since I wanted to just call it a night since I'm too stressed and upset. Before I could go up the straits, I was stopped by Bill, Aoba, and Tao.

"Hey Jacob." Greeed Bill.


"You wanna get some dinner with us?"

"No, I'm actually going to bed. Thanks for offering." I slipped past them.

"Jacob," Bill turned around as I stopped. "What's wrong?"


"You seemed off since we left the plaza. Did something happen?"

"Bill, I'm alright, I'm just tired from working today." I ascended the stairs.

I slowly climbed up, all I wanted to do was to lay down.

I shouldn't cry, my father wants to be a strong man but strong men can cry.

Losing a close friend started to consume me, I really felt like I was gonna cry. But then I didn't notice that I was walking so slowly up the stairs that people were catching up to me. Familiar voices rounded the corner as I knew it was the boys from 701.

"Hey Jacob." Greeted Jack.

"Hey..." I turned to face him.

He notices my expression and body language, "You alright?"

Just tell him...

"No... I'm not. I'm stressed and upset."

"Oh." Jack felt sympathetic, "You wanna come to our room to hang out with us?"

"Yes, come with us Jacob." Replied Miguno.

"Yeah!" Yelled Voss.

I nodded, "Sure... that sounds good."

I followed Jack and the others to their dorm. We entered and just relaxed. I sat by the window as the others went to their beds. I stared out the window as the rain continued to come down, with some flashes of lightning. Thunder boomed as I continued to stare. Jack decides to sit down next to me.

"You hungry? We got some chips if you want?"

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"You hungry? We got some chips if you want?"

I continued to look out the window, "I'm alright, Jack. Thanks anyway."

Jack looks at me with a concerned look, "What's wrong? Did something happen?"

I took in a deep breath before turning to face him, "Don't freak out or tell the others, please." I whispered.

"Don't worry, you can trust me."

"Alright..." I mentally prepared myself, "Something happened at the Meteor Festival-"

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