Chapter 26 A Visit From Louis

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Mary POV:

Time & Date: June 28th, 10:30 a.m.

"Are you sure you don't need anything?" Susan asked.

"Yeah, I'll be fine here."

It's the weekend, instead of relaxing and enjoying having no school my cousins and Jacob are heading back to Archeania to get some stuff. Well actually Lucy has to since she ran out of one of her makeup powders.

"Alright, we'll be gone for a few hours." Susan picks up her phone as Lucy finishes putting on her shoes. "See ya, Mary."

"Bye." I waved as they left the room.

Now what should I do? Should I do some homework, relax, read, or visit Haru?

I had a lot of options, but I decided to just sit for a bit to read. I picked up my book which was Death On The Nile by Agatha Christie. It is a very old book, like it came out 1000 years ago. I sat on my bed eating in peace, it felt like forever until I was brought back into reality.




I look over at the door.

Who could that be?

I knew it couldn't be any of the others since they left like half an hour ago. I put my book down on my bed and walked over to the door. It didn't have a peep hole so I just had to open it to see who it was. I opened the door and was surprised at who was standing there.


Louis of all people I didn't suspect to be standing right in front of me in the girls dorm.

"Mary, how are you?" He asked

"Oh I'm alright, why are you here? Do you know that boys aren't allowed to be in girls' dorms?"

"Yeah I know, that's why I'm gonna make it quick." Louis entered my dorm room.

I shut the door as I watched him look around the room.

"I heard that you were good at sewing." Louis complemented, "Which is why I came to ask you if you can fix up part of my school uniform."

"Ummm... y-yeah I can try to fix it."

"Good, my uniform is at the Gardening Club."

"Ok... why is it there?"

Louis tensed up before answering, "Cause it's the only place that we can do it."

"Alright, I'll head there now."

I quickly got my shoes on before heading over. Louis was looking around the room before leaving the dorm with me.

"I'll see you there." Louis heads off in a different direction.

I walked all the way to Drama Club first to get the sewing kit from the storage closet. After retrieving said kit, I made my way to the Gardening Club.

"Hey Haru?"




With no answer I opened the door to the Gardening Club and poked my head around the door. I see no sign of Haru. So I stepped onto the roof and walked over to the shed. On the glass sliding door was a taped note from Haru.


To Mary,

If you are visiting today I will not be here today since I'm visiting my family. So there's no Gardening Club, but if you do walk up here you are free to do some gardening if you want. Have a good day.

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