Chapter 2 Pack Your Bags

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I did research, and I discovered that it begins in May, on May 1st I'm guessing is when Tem died because I went to chapter 8 page 16. On that page, Legoshi was looking at a clipboard with dates on it. It showed that it is recent, and doing the math, I place Tem's death on the 1st, next day was clear for Legoshi to look at the moon, next day was cloudy with the mist, and finally sunny. Idk, I'm just guessing, as well as the Adler play poster says on it 5\21. And when Tem died they said with the play two weeks away. And I decided to just drop it. And that I'll make my own dates that are fluent from both Anime and Manga. I'm mostly basing this story in the Anime with the Manga only coming in to fill in missing parts. I've also been editing the last chapter. If you wanna help, tell me. Thanks and enjoy chapter 2!


3rd person:

Mary sat in her room patiently waiting to be called back to see her dad. She hopes that he's not upset with the news. Mary never quite understand on why her dad disliked animals, was there something connected between animals especially Carnivores to her mother. This is something Mary must solve.

At the moment, Mary is deciding on what to pack. Should she pack something cool, fancy? No, she wants to dress normal, leaving the royal thing here on the island and try to be a normal person. Then her phone begins to rings, Mary picks it up an immediately sees it's her friend Bianca. She answers it.

Mary: hey girl!

Bianca: hey girl! How are you?

Mary: I'm doing well, you?

Bianca: same, I'm enjoying the weekend. I am calling you due to hearing the news. I'm so happy for you.

Mary: thanks.

Bianca: we're gonna miss you.

Mary: I'll be back for weekend visits, don't you worry.

Bianca: the drama club is gonna miss you three. Specially Mrs. Ramsey, you were the student that really had the talent in the arts.

Mary: yeah.

Bianca: and since our last play was a success, it's gonna be hard without you being here.

Mary: indeed. Doing High School Musical was fun. I wish we could have done Hamilton, Mary Poppins or

Bianca: I call playing Angelica if we ever do Hamilton.

Mary: deal. I call Eliza.

Bianca: what was your dad's reaction of the news?

Mary: I don't know, I left the room just as he entered it for his meeting. I'm waiting now for when he calls me.

Bianca: fingers crossed if he isn't upset.

Mary: yeah.

Bianca senses just by Mary's tone that something is on her mind.

Bianca: I sense that you have something in your mind.

Mary: I just... I believe their has to be an answer for why mom died. I don't know it yet but I want to figure it out.

Bianca: I support you whatever it takes.

Mary: Thanks Bianca.

Bianca: no problem, that's what friends are for. I wish I could go with you, Susan and Lucy.

Mary: you know what you could do, you could sign up. Submit a request to the school and to the government.

Bianca: really? Then I'm gonna do that right now then. No way I'm gonna let my friend enjoy all the fun off the island. Maybe our other friends could join, it's gonna be awesome to have the gang back together.

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