Chapter 22 The Dark Market

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Mary's Journal entry:

Dear Journal, today was calm. But for myself, I am still reminded of the horror I experienced on May 31st. During my studies on Archeania, I learned human history. Many hundreds or thousands of years ago my species grew and expanded. Unfortunately there were great evil acts that were committed against ourselves. Mass killings, murders, genocides, massacres, and one that happened during two great world war. Many people were killed, shot, stabbed, hanged, or worse, gassed. We've done plenty of evil, but what I saw three days ago was horrific. Animals eating other animals, carnivores enjoying herbivore flesh, maybe some omnivores or carnivores. I can't forget the smell of cooking meat, I felt very sick to my stomach. I am overrun with dread, and sadness for all the innocent people who may have been killed on a daily basis at that place. But through the darkness and great evil, I've witnessed a friend's remorse for their action. I do believe some do not mean it. For now, I wish the nightmares would stop.


Legoshi POV:

I remember the interaction I had with Mary yesterday.


"Hey Legoshi, we're friends right?" Mary asked me.


"Do you mind if I ask you something important that has been plaguing my mind all day and other times since I got here?"

I looked at her calmly, "What is it?"

"What do I look like to you?"

"That's a strange question. What do you mean?"

"Sorry about this question, it's just that..." Mary stands up.

I watched Mary as she was thinking, she looked over at me when I stood up.

"Can I see your hand?" Mary asked

I didn't have second thoughts, I moved my hand towards her and she gently grabbed my index finger. She has a gentle touch, I always want to hold her hand. I feel her hand feel around mine.

"I feel like I've realized something." Mary admitted as her eyes met mine, "we are friends because our true selves were shown not on the outside but within. I now realize what others meant really, and to me Legoshi you're not scary but a kind wolf."

I just stared at her as she smiled at me.

Flashback ends:

I'm brought back to reality by someone calling me.

"Mr. Wolf. Mr. Wolf." I realized I had grabbed the antelope's hands, "why are you dazing off?" He asked.

" I realized I had grabbed the antelope's hands, "why are you dazing off?" He asked

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I jumped up in shock but was immediately thrown aside by Bill.

"Out of the way!"

"Legoshi!" Mary runs over and helps me up.

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