Chapter 3 Arriving at Cherryton

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3rd person POV:

They reach the main only entrance and exit on the island. The wall is solid concrete, it over 21 meters tall (70ft), 6ft thick. Barbed wire across the top, two watchtowers that are taller that the wall on each side of the entrance to watch what ever enters the island. At the front gate, in the arch way. There is two large metal doors that are less than a meter thick (1ft), and probably weighs over a ton. The driver rolls down their windows and shows the gatekeepers their ID and papers to show that they have been given permission to leave. They raise the security arms, then they type in the password for the doors. They creek open outward as they reveal the stone bridge.

The bridge is about over a 1.6 km (1 mile), and 9.7 m (32ft) wide. Nothing goes up or down it but cars. The con of the bridge is that ships can't pass it, specially cargo ships for trade or cruise ships. They have to go around the island to reach the port on the other side. The solution is simple, install a vertical, or bascule lift. But the government is not interested of a project to upgrade the bridge, safety is first for the humans.

The three vehicles pass the doors and onto the bridge. Mary looks out the window to see the city for the first time as they approach. The sun was setting, the sky was a orange. As they quickly made it across the bridge, they reach the crossing point between bridge and land. And on the ground where they meet is a yellow line.

The yellow line goes across the width of the bridge, and has the words "do not cross" written in black on top. The surrounding area has dumpsters, barrels full of trash. It looks like the back alley since nobody comes around here. There's a small shack to the right of the bridge if facing the island, it was used once as a checkpoint. But now it's abandoned, just sitting there rotting.

As well as for more protection, at the line, there is a wooden poll with a security camera. That camera is pointed directly behind the line, it can not move. So it can not see the individual approaching but when they cross the line. There are two more security cameras, one pointing down the bridge while the other is slightly pointy over the line. There is also a motion sensor light on the pole as well. This is used for at night when if a individual crosses the line the lights will activate which will give the watchers a clear view.

All the cameras are connected to the two watchtowers on the wall. 24hrs, 7 days a week, 365 days of constant watching. These watchers keep watch of the only way in and out. Another thing to know is that near the line, there are sign that read as well "do not cross" and for a warning "you will be shot". Those guards in the towers are equipped with snipers, they will shoot anything that crosses the line. They wouldn't know what hit them.

(The Music Mary is listening to. Play it)

As the vehicles final crosses the bridge, the pass through the narrow passageway between the buildings and finally the main road. Mary, Susan, Lucy, and Jacob immediately noticed the animals.

They looked out through their windows to see all the animals. From the big Elephants to the small mice. Feathered, scaled reptiles, furred, hairless, horned, tailed animals, it's all fascinating to them. For when they were growing up they weren't really told a lot about what the animals looked or did. As they continue down the road watching the animals doing their every day life. Go to the store, meeting a friend, eating at a restaurant, talking to each other. 'They are just like humans, nothing different about them' Mary thought.

They continue down the street, passing buildings, and cars. "Look! The birds flying!" Yelled Lucy in excitement as she points at a raven flying over them carrying its groceries in a bag. Few animals would take a quick look at the three black vehicles before continuing their work. Since the cars have tinted window, they don't know that humans were in the cars. They can't see inside, but they can see outside.

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