Chapter 25 Interacting

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Special Chapter: You'll see from the other's point of view.

Susan POV:

My normal routine in the mornings are good. Sometimes I'm the first one up, or I'm awakened by Lucy or Mary going to the bathroom. But today started out with all of us waking up at the same time. I climbed down my bunk ladder as Mary and Lucy sat on their beds before getting up. We all stood in the room looking at one another.

"I call the bathroom first." Lucy ran across the room.

"Not gonna happen." I chased after her.

I put my hand on the door to stop Lucy from closing it. Then used my strength to push the door open, then I tripped on a towel that was on the floor which I pulled Lucy down with me.

"I called the bathroom first Susan, you got it first yesterday." Lucy was trying to pull away from my grasp.

"Lucy, remember we all agreed on a schedule so that we can make it to class on time."

Mary at the moment was leaning against the door, "She has a point."

"Fine, I give up." Lucy surrendered.

"You'll get the bathroom tomorrow, we have a schedule so that it works for all of us."

I got off the bathroom floor as Lucy leaves the bathroom, "I'm gonna brush first."

A typical morning for the dragonheart princesses.


After we were all ready to go, we left for the cafeteria.

"I don't think I'll make it." Said Lucy.

"What do you mean?"

"We are a month away from our finals and our teachers are hammering us."

"Yeah but look at the bright side." I put my arm around her, "They want us to succeed."

"True." Lucy turns to Mary, "Hey Mary, did you hear about that hen that fainted during sea speech class?"

"Yes. I witnessed the whole thing, I was there. She was in my class next to Legoshi."

"What happened?" I asked.

"I have no idea, Legoshi was eating some filled donut, Jack was asking him why since every Wednesday he would eat an egg sandwich. It was all well until the hen fainted and fell off her chair."

"Weird, maybe it was the egg sandwiches that were mentioned." Replied Lucy.

I shrugged, "I don't know, do chickens take laying eggs personally?"

They both shrugged. "I don't know either." Said Mary.

We made it to the cafeteria to see Jacob had already saved us a table.

"You've got to try this." Exclaimed Jacob, "They added strawberries to the fruit salad in the herbivore breakfast."

"Ooo." Lucy looked excited.

We all went over and got our trays, and all got a herbivore breakfast due to the strawberries since they were in season.

"You know... I like strawberries." Said Lucy as she takes a bite of one.

"You can say that again." Replied Jacob as Lucy rolled her eyes at him in response.

Just then I look up and see the guys from the Drama Club enter the cafeteria. Aoba, Tao, and Bill together. They looked like they were getting along. After 2 months of being here, I still don't like Bill. He's so immature sometimes, and kinda a creep. I quickly looked back at the other when Bill's gaze was towards us. I began to listen to Jacob tell us about our upcoming training this weekend.

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