Chapter 21 Zebuth

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Mary POV:

Today was the day, an exciting day. We were finally going to explore Zebuth. The most excited out of us was Lucy. But first we have to finish school. Today started out like any other except Lucy woke me up.

"Good morning!" Lucy pulls my bed curtains open.

I squinted my eyes as I'm sorta blinded by the morning sun, "morning...hmmm" I lay back down on my bed.

"Are you excited?"

"Of course I am," I looked over at Lucy, "we have to finish school today first before we could go."

"Ugh... I know... I wish he didn't have school today." Lucy leans against the wall as I get out of bed.

I stand up and stretch before sluggishly walking to my cupboard area to get my uniform.

"What are you gonna wear when we leave?" Asked Lucy

"Ummm... probably jeans and something else." I pull my uniform off its hanger.

Susan exits the bathroom as she fixes her bun, "hopefully today will be good."

"Agreed." Lucy and I both said.

I walked back to my bed and changed quickly. After getting my uniform on and shoes I grabbed my backpack. We left the dorm and met Jacob outside.

"So I looked at how to get to downtown Zebuth, and there's a subway nearby we can take." Said Jacob.

"Perfect." Said Lucy.

We walked to the cafeteria, I listened to Lucy's excitement the whole way. She talked about what outfit she is gonna wear to Zebuth. Since it's gonna rain later, I'm thinking about taking my coat just in case. But in all it was gonna be a new experience for us all, like when we arrived here but into their society. This is gonna be really interesting, but it does come with some doubts. When we arrived at Cherryton, there was a lot of staring. Not to mention how little or none knew anything about my species. Shouldn't suspect that anyone in animal society would know, only government people. But I shouldn't think of the bad things, I hope nothing bad happens.

"Why can't school be faster?" Lucy grabs her breakfast tray.

"What do you mean?" Asked Jacob

We sit down at a cafeteria table, "I mean like how come some schools don't have homework. Hear me out, that sounds good right?"

"Well maybe I don't know." Jacob takes a bite of his eggs.

We ate our breakfast as I looked across the cafeteria to see the canines of room 701 enter. Jack was smiling as he was telling a story to the others while at the back of the group was Legoshi who looked exhausted. But he noticed me looking at him and turned to look at me, he fixed his poster as he looked happy to see me. I smiled at him and nodded. Legoshi's tail began moving quickly which I now I understand is a sign of him being happy. I giggled before returning to eat my breakfast.

This is gonna be a good day.


Timeskip: 3:00 p.m.

The school bell rang, announcing the end of the day. I packed up my backpack and quickly headed back to my dorm. I'm in the process of taking out the dorm key when I hear a commotion happening. It sounded like someone running up the stairs. I open the door when the door to the stairwell is flung open, and out comes Lucy all panting. I then see Susan pop out as it looks like she was trying to grab Lucy by the leg.

"I called the bathroom first!" Susan tried to hold Lucy but she quickly jumped out of the way before running towards me, "don't let her in!"

Good lord...

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