Chapter 9: New Experience

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Mary POV:

I couldn't sleep. I keep having the same nightmare of being chased and pounced on. It was terrifying. But the one thing that stood out from that experience was that the culprit didn't harm me immediately, he was trying to prevent himself from doing so. I'm now starting to believe that Carnivores have good souls, not wanting to harm anybody but can't control their inner beast. I do feel bad for them. I slept for a few more hours until my bed curtains flung open to reveal yet again a happy Lucy.

"Good morning!" Said Lucy. She looked like she was gonna jump on me. "For someone who gets up on time, this has to be the first."

"Mmmm what time is it?" I asked.

Lucy looks over at her phone, "about 7:15 am."

"*Groan*" I just didn't want to get out of bed. I was gonna hide until Lucy began to pull my arm.

"Come on, we can't be missing school." She continues to pull me. Until she notices the wrapped bandage on my left arm. "What that?"

I immediately jumped up, "oh umm... it's nothing."

"That doesn't look like nothing." Lucy folds her arms, "what happened?"


Think Mary, think. Should I tell her the truth? Or lie that I fell.

Before I could think of anything, we both heard a gasp from Susan who was in the bathroom.

"Oh my god!" Susan comes running out of the bathroom holding a bloody hand towel. "Who is this from!?"

Lucy turned and both her and Susan were staring at me.

Well, looks like I'm caught.

I lifted my left arm to show Susan the bandages.

"What happened?"

"I... well... mmmm... I got attacked."

"What!?" Both my cousins yelled in shock. Lucy sprints and jumps on my bed, Susan throws the bloody towel away and joins Lucy as she closes my bed curtain.

"What happened?"

"Tell me now, what happened Mary?"

"Who did it?"

"Do you know who did it?"

"I'm gonna kill whoever did it!""

They were both talking so fast.

"Ok, ok. Let me explain." I raised my hands to calm them down, "so after I left you guys, I walked around the school. And near the cafeteria I stopped to sit at the fountain that was there. I sat there for a while until I heard someone. I saw red eyes and I immediately tried to run. But he caught me."

"I'm so sorry that you experienced it."

"But that wasn't the most surprising thing. He was actually trying to stop himself from hurting me."

"Oh." Susan sounded surprised, "like he was trying to not harm you?"

"Yes. Also I could hear him speaking, which I'm guessing was to himself. I now believe that carnivores have difficulty controlling their carnivorous instincts. They don't mean it, they just want to be kind."

Susan and Lucy sat there in silence, thinking about what I said.

"They could." Susan rubs the back of her neck.

"Please don't tell my dad this, he will definitely have me removed from Cherryton."

"We won't." They both said

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