Chapter 37 Returning

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*Mary's perspective for the whole chapter.*

Mary POV

Still cannot believe that Legoshi tried to kiss me and I tried to kiss him. Both ended in failure, I just didn't know if that's what he felt including me. Other than that, I slept really good. I awoke to the sound of Legoshi snoring. Turning my head so I am looking down to the foot of the bed, I see the clock sitting on the dresser under the tv.


We should get up.

I turned over and put my hand on Legoshi's shoulder, "Hey, time to get up."

"Hmm...?" He groaned.

"Legoshi, let's get up so we can catch the train." I sat up in the bed as he turned over to me, "Wake up sleepy... you were out cold."

Legoshi stretched then sat up, his eyes were a bit droopy. He turned to put his legs over and stood up. Sluggishly walked to the bathroom. I sat quietly on the bed.

Now that I think about it... I should have told Legoshi what I found out about my mom. I mean... he did defeat the lion who killed my mom which if the katana sheath was off, would have used it. I sound just like my dad...

I put my head in my hand.

But I know he's deeply worried sick. I'm gonna call him when we get back to school. Have a lot to do when I return.

I got out of bed and stretched, also forgot that I'm wearing Legoshi's blue polo shirt. Then as I put the covers back up, Legoshi exits the bathroom. He sits down and gets his shoes on which surprisingly I realize he doesn't wear socks.

Do carnivores wear socks?

Anyways I quickly walked to the bathroom before we left. I checked Legoshi's shirt which thankfully was dry. After I was done, I walked back into the bedroom.

"Your shirt is dry." I tossed it to him.

He quickly puts it on before standing up.


Legoshi nods, "Yes."

We left our room, then returned the key to the front desk.

"Thank you for staying at Hotel Rose, hope you had a wonderful night." The swan looked at us with a big smile.

We quickly left the hotel and made our way to the subway. Forgot that it was morning so it was already packed due to the morning rush hour. I stood by as Legoshi bought our tickets. Again I forgot that I'm just wearing a shirt, with no shoes, bare feet in the subway. I feel very grossed out. Not to mention people walking by looking at me.

"Here." Legoshi hands me a ticket.

"Thank you."

We head to the ticket scanner. After that we descended down to the platform and waited patiently for our train to come. Until finally our train came screeching to a halt to the platform.

"Line 1, I repeat Line 1 has arrived. Watch out for the automatic doors."

We stood up and quickly boarded. There were two seats opened next to the doors, we sat down just as more people entered. After a few moments the doors closed.

"Stand clear from the automatic doors. Watch your footing for smaller travelers."

The train slowly but quickly away from the platform. I sat looking out the window at the darkened tunnel. I don't know why but again felt tired so I rested my head against Legoshi's shoulder. He looked at me and gave a small smile. I shut my eyes as the train continued on. After about a couple minutes, I sensed sunlight through my eyelids as I'm aware that we're now outside on the overpass. We didn't move when the train stopped at other destinations, I kept my eyes closed.

Two Fates One Destiny (Beastars Legoshi x OC)Where stories live. Discover now