Chapter 20 New Member

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Mary POV:

Yesterday was the first time I was bullied. Being tripped and being told that my species should have gone extinct hurt. But one person changed my day, and I am really thankful for meeting Legoshi. I think he saved me cause why else did Mazuchi run off? And two, he and I sat together in the cafeteria for dinner. Legoshi is a good friend, including his roommates and others. Today was yet another school day and I found out about something. At the top of every dorm building is a hangout type space where there's tables, chairs, coaches, and a tv. Basically it's a hangout spot which is nice. And what surprised me the most is that herbivores are allowed to go into carnivores's hangout space, but boys for boys and girls for girls. When school was finished, me, Susan and Lucy decided to investigate the space. We sat down at a table and just did study hall. We were thankful since we've been doing homework criss-crossed on the floor. Sometimes we would sit on the sofa stools or on our bed. But for now we got chairs.

"Hey Susan, can I borrow your calculator?" Asked Lucy

Susan digs in her bag, "sure." She pulls out her calculator and gives it to Lucy.

"Thanks." Lucy immediately begins calculating math equations.

I kept looking out the window, remembering what happened yesterday.

"You seem to be daydreaming a lot today?"

I looked back at the table towards Susan, "what do you mean?"

Susan continues to write down some things in her notebook, "you've been quiet today, and also been staring out the window for a couple minutes. Did something happen yesterday?"

"Ummm... no, everything is fine. Just thinking." I quickly stated.

"For the meteor festival?" Lucy asked.

"Yes, and what Sanu has to say during today's meeting. Just trying to think of other things since finals are coming."

"That's good to think of other things without stressing." Susan crosses out something on her notebook as she continues writing. "If you want, you could turn on the tv, wouldn't mind watching a bit of entertainment while I work." Susan looks up.

"Me too," replied Lucy, "I wanna see what type of entertainment they have."

Agree with my cousins I got up from my chair and walked over to the tv that was on a stand. I grabbed the remote and switched it on. First thing I saw was the weather channel.

Well that looks familiar.

I sat back down as I placed the remote on the table.

"Is there something else on?" Lucy picks up the remote and begins to switch through the channels. There was cooking, sports, news, comedy shows, and movies. "Wow, there is nothing on."

"Maybe because we're in a school."

"Yeah." Lucy switches back to the weather which shows a male moose.

"Today's forecast is partly cloudy and clear skies tonight. Tomorrow's forecast will be clear until late afternoon where incoming clouds will bring a chance of rain and will last until late evening."

"At least something is interesting happening on the weather channel." I complimented as Lucy shook her head.

We continued to work on homework until the tv screen switched to a report. "We interrupt this broadcast for some breaking news! A gazelle has been murdered."

I looked up to see a female grey cat on screen. Then the screen changes to a live coverage which shows police tape blocking off the sidewalk, and cops all around. On the ground there were small alphabet labels to show evidence. But what shocked me was an outline where the body was laying, and there was blood all over the ground.

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