Chapter 4 First Day Of School

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Mary's POV :

Do you ever get those feelings where you know it's a school day but don't want to go? That's what I'm sorta experiencing at the moment. My alarm on my phone went off at 7:00, tiredly I reached over and turned it off. My curtain was still closed, I just stared up at the roof of my bed. Remembering all that has happened yesterday. I slowly open my curtain letting morning light reach in. I get up and climb the ladder to Susan's bunk to wake her.

"Susan, it's time."

I hear a groan and finally the bed curtains open. I'm met with a tired Susan with her hair all in a mess.

"Already?" She asked

"Yeah, we have to get ready so we can get breakfast and meet principal Gon for our schedule, plus tour."

"Ok I'm up."

I get off the ladder as Susan swings her legs around to leave her bed. Next I walked over to Lucy's bunk and open the curtain.

"Lucy, time to get up."

"*groan* I don't wanna." Replied Lucy who is under her pillow.

"Lucy come on"

"Five more minuets."

"If I allow you then you'll just keep sleeping."

"That's my plan."

I look over at Susan who walked over.

"Lucy if you don't get out of bed, we'll drag you out." She threatened

"You wouldn't, your not my dad."

"I'm gonna get the water." I leaned in to whisper in her ear.

Lucy immediately gets up on hearing that I'll get the water to pour on her.

"Ok, I'm awake." She gets out of her bed,

"But I call the bathroom first." she says before sprinting to the bathroom.

"Oh hell no." As Susan chases Lucy into the bathroom to stop her from locking the door.

Classic morning


Over a half an hour later, we finished getting ready. We took turns showering which thankfully we washed our hair last night. I left my hair down, Susan has put hers in a ponytail, and Lucy left her hair down as well. After checking myself in the mirror, looking at the uniform that we're going to wear.

"Well... hmmmm." I said as I turn to face Lucy who's finishing tying her shoe. "You are not completely wrong about the uniforms, but we can push through it. Besides everyone else will be dressed the same so."


Susan comes out of the bathroom. "I'm ready."

"Alright then, let's meet up with Jacob." I grab my backpack.

We leave our dorm building and stand waiting for Jacob to arrive.

I hope his uniform isn't bad.

Then finally out from around the corner came Jacob. We three turn and look at him. The uniform he is wearing is a white shirt with a indigo vest, dark gray tie, gray pants with a darker vertical line pattern, and brown loafers. Also his sleeves were rolled up.

All three of us had the same thought. 'He looks so good'

"Wow Jacob, you look amazing." Said Susan

"Yeah, I figured that you three had it rough." As Jacob looks at our uniforms. "So where do we go now?"

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