Chapter 6 The Murder

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3rd Person POV:

The night sky was clear, the stars were bright, and so was the blood moon. It was quiet, until the sound of running footsteps. Tem was running for his life, he holds his left arm which is bleeding as he runs away from his pursuer. Down the school hallway he ran. He looked back frantically, his breath was quick. He reaches the stairs and quickly makes his way down, jumping down some steps as his pursuer's shadow appears, laminated by the moon. Tem realizes that he must hide to see if he can throw off his chaser. The closest room was a lecture hall; Tem quickly makes it inside before closing the doors. He leans against the doors to catch his breath, sadly the pursuer knows where he is. It tries to enter the room but Tem pushes the door closed. Again it tried but Tem refused to let it in.

"Are you really trying to eat your own classmate? We had so many classes together!"

Then the doors flung open by the pursuer, the doors swing open. Tem is flung down the stairs. Tem reaches the bottom then crawls to the stage. Sitting down he looked up in fear at his pursuer as the doors closed, sealing off the only source of light. The room is plunged into darkness, Tem can't see, he can only hear the ominous footsteps and breathing. He gets up and walked backwards.

"Does carnivores only think of us as food?" Tem asked

Tem walks into the stand, knocking a couple things down including his phone. He steps on it, breaking the screen in the process. Then the projector turns on, blinding Tem with light. Tem tries to cover his eyes as his pursuer walks closer, and closer, until only a few feet away. Tem is in the it's shadow, he stares up.

"You carnivores are all but monsters!" Tem yells as the last thing he sees is a mouth full of sharp teeth lunging forward at him.

"You carnivores are all but monsters!" Tem yells as the last thing he sees is a mouth full of sharp teeth lunging forward at him

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Time skip: 6:30

Mary slept quietly in her bed, warm and cozy. All is well until she is awoken by a noise. Not by her phone alarm, but by a commotion happening in the bathroom. Mary gets up and walks over to the bathroom to see what's going on. She opened the door to see Susan and Lucy having a scuffle in the bathroom.

"That's my hair brush, Susan" Lucy says as she grabs Susan's hand to pry the brush from her.

"No this is mine, you have your own brush Lucy. Mine has a darker handle than yours." Susan turned so she could get a better grip. Lucy jumped on her back. Susan then tripped on the bathroom rug and both of them collapsed on the ground. The brush skidded across the ground as both of them quickly crawled to it. They stopped as Mary picked up the brush, they looked up at her.

"What is going on? You do realize it's 6:30 in the morning." Mary puts her hands on her hips.

"Well she started it." Susan points at Lucy.

"No you took my brush."

"No you did."

"No you."

"Enough." Susan and Lucy looked up at Mary. "Ok, how about we see who's brush it is then?" Mary walks over to the bathroom light to get a better look at the name written on the handle. "Ok it's Lucy's"

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