Chapter 39 True Feelings

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Mary POV

The drive back from Archeania was quiet. Probably because I didn't want Legoshi to notice what was in the box. But have a plan for it, I'm gonna give it to him when we meet by the meteor. Simple and easy. It was a bit past 2 when we finally arrived back at Cherryton. The driver opened the door for us.

"Thank you." I waved.

"You're welcome, you're highness." He bows before getting back in the car and driving away.

Legoshi and I walked back to the dorm.

"I'll see you at the Drama Club before we head to the Meteor Festival." I turned to him.


"So in all, you enjoyed Archeania?"

"Yes... it was an enjoyable experience." Legoshi nods.

"That's good. Anyways, I'll see you later." I smiled and waved.

Legoshi waved back and gave me a slight smile. I made it back to my dorm and entered it.

"I'm back."

Susan and Lucy were at the moment relaxing in the ground as they bathed in the sunlight.

"Welcome back." Susan quickly gets up to greet me, followed by Lucy, "So how was it?"

"Legoshi enjoyed it. We passed some of the buildings we mentioned before, and he was awestruck by the palace."

"That's good."

"What was your dad's reaction?" Asked Lucy.

"He was... surprised. Can't blame him since this is his first time meeting an animal from the outside. Plus in good news, he apologized for yelling at me back in April and we made up."

"That's good." Replied Susan.

Lucy looks down and notices the bag, "What's that?"

"Oh, this is part of Legoshi's reward. Dad repaid Legoshi for the dinner, phone call, hotel and train tickets that he bought last night. And also we got him something special." I walked over to my bed and sat the bag down. I pulled out the box as Susan and Lucy stood behind me, curious of what was in the box. "I told dad that Legoshi's pet beetle died last night and asked if we can give him another one."

I opened the lid to reveal the larva.

"Awww, he's so cute." Commented Lucy.

"Is it a Rhinoceros beetle?" Asked Susan.

I nod, "Yes."

"He's gonna like this."

"I hope he does." I close the box and place it back in the bag, "We're gonna meet in front of the meteor statue tonight, so it'll be the perfect spot to give it to him."

"What do you mean?" Asked Lucy.

"Well... yesterday before I got kidnapped, Legoshi asked if we could meet there in the evening. He wants to tell me his feelings."

"I'm confused."

"His feelings?" Susan repeated until she realized something. She looked at me with a surprised look, "Does he like you?"

"For a while now... I have been battling a weird feeling inside. I didn't know what it was, until last night I realized that I may have the same feeling."

"You like Legsohi?"

I was a bit embarrassed to say it in front of them but I nodded, "Y-yeah, I think I do."

Susan and Lucy look at one another, not sure how to respond to my revelation. But I am both surprised that I may like Legoshi, who is a wolf.

"Wow... that is very interesting." Replied Lucy, "Sounds awesome at the same time."

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