Chapter 33 Kidnapped

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3rd POV

"Hey guys." Sanu walks up to the production team as they are sitting at the edge of the stage as the rest of the Drama Club arrives.

"Hey Sanu." Replied Dom, "I saw the meteor, job well done you all."

"Thank you." Nodded the production team.

The dance crew went behind the stage to begin setting up their costumes and makeup for tomorrow. The acting crew grouped up to talk, while the production team relaxed. Just then, Louis entered the tent and walked over to the production team.

"You finished the meteor?" He asked

"Yes." Nodded Dom, "Everything is ready for tomorrow."

Louis looks at them, "Good. Good work." He turned and walked out of the tent.

Everyone seemed to be in a good mood. Susan was on her phone, Jacob was looking around the tent, and Lucy was chatting with Els.

"Hey Lucy, can I ask for your opinion?" Susan turns to her.

"Sure. What is it?"

"My mom is asking if we're gonna go home for the summer or stay."

"Well obviously go home."

Susan puts her phone down, "Well she found out about summer classes at school, and she thinks it'll be a good idea to get ahead of our studies."

"Aww what?" Lucy is surprised, "Do our parents not want us home?"

"Well... you are mischievous." Replied Jacob

Lucy looks at him with an annoyed look, "You too."

"Na uh." Jacob shakes his head, "When something happens, I get roped in. I'm the oldest one out of us four."

Lucy tries to rebuttal Jacob's claim, but he quickly gives an example.

"Like the time we played floor hockey in the ballroom. And in the process broke a window."

Lucy goes quiet since she knows that was kinda her fault since she and Mary were battling over the puck.

"Yeah..." Lucy admits, "That was our fault."

"Hey." Jacob frowned.

"Anyway... we are given a choice." Replied Susan, "We should have a group vote on this."

Lucy nods, "Right." She looks around, "Where's Mary?"

Susan shrugs her shoulders. Both of them don't know where their cousin is.

"I think she's helping out at one of the tents." Said Jacob, "I saw her walking towards an orange tent."

They both accepted the answer and went back to what they were doing, unaware of what had transpired. After leaving the tent, Louis walks around the Meteor Festival until he sees Haru over by the shed.


Haru POV


I turned around and smiled, "Hey, Louis."

Louis bends down and pats me on the head, "You prepared for tomorrow?"

"Yes, the gardening club booth is ready."

"Has Mary been helping you?"

"Yes, she has helped move some of my plants around and write some signs." I nodded, "She's watering the plants now."

"That's good." Louis smiled, "I must go and check if everything is ready."

"Ok." I watched Louis turn and walked away.

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