Chapter 7: Meeting the Wolf

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3rd POV:

Mary had a hard time sleeping, due to her sadness over her friend's death. But that night she had a dream. Or let's say nightmare. In the dream Mary is sitting by a fountain at night until she sees red eyes. She tries to run but only when this beast jumps on her. Mary wakes up in the middle of the night, breathing heavily and sweating. She looks over at her phone to see it's only 2 o'clock in the morning. She lays back down, staring up at her bed ceiling.

'I wish it never happened' she thought as she relaxes her mind and falls back asleep.


Time Skip: 7 a.m.

Mary awoke with drowsy eyes. She stare up for a moment before turning over to sleep more. Until her bed curtains fly open to reveal a excited Lucy.

"Good morning cuz!" Lucy smiles with glee.

Mary groans as she hides under pillow. "You know what day it is? Its the gala!" Lucy begins to shake Mary.

Mary responds with a thumbs up as she removes the pillow. Lucy walks over to closet to get her school uniform. Susan has just exited the bathroom to see Mary sluggishly get up with her hair in a mess.

"You look tired" Susan walks over "did you have a rough night?"

"Yeah" Mary rubs her eyes. Susan sits down next to her.

"It's alright, we all experience grief" she rubs Mary's back "let's hope today goes well."

Mary looks at Susan "I wanna leave some flowers... at his memorial."

"You should. I think the gardening club will let you take a flower for the memorial."

"Hopefully." Mary watches as Susan stand up to face her.

"Now, have you decided what your hair will be put into for the gala?"

Mary realizes that she has not thought of anything for the gala. She must think of something quick but thankfully it was easy and simple. She must have your hair up, not only to help hold her tiara up but also for when she's dancing. Not dancing like at a party, but a waltz.

"I think I'll have my hair in a double braids in a bun." Mary replied

"Great." Susan gives a thumbs up. "I'm gonna put my hair in a low braided bun." Susan looks over at Lucy. "Hey Lucy, what will you put your hair in?"

"Ummm probably I'll put my hair in a French hairstyle twisted braided bun." Replied Lucy as she lifts some of her hair.

"Perfect, we need to get back her about two hours before we leave, like close to 5 o'clock." Susan checks her phone for the time.

"I'm gonna get ready." Mary says as she stands up and walks to the bathroom. She closed the door and stares into the mirror. Her hair was a mess, had some crust in her eyes, she looked exhausted. She sighs as she picks up her brush and begins to brush her hair. After about 15 minutes she finished cleaning herself up. Hair has been brushed, teeth as well, she feels great but still something inside still makes her sad. She exit's the bathroom to grab her uniform to change.

'I hope today will be different.' Mary thought.

After getting ready, Mary and the others make they're way to the cafeteria. It was around 7:40 am Susan told them, including that Jacob is already at the cafeteria and is saving them a seat. As they walk Mary could tell that it's calmer today then yesterday. But the herbivores were still kinda on edge, still huddled in group, not wanting to go near carnivores. They entered the cafeteria to see Jacob sitting at a table enjoying some breakfast as he waits for them to arrive.

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