Chapter 34 Saving The Princess

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3rd POV:

Afternoon soon turned to evening, the once blue sky that was dotted by some clouds were now all gray. The sky turned gray and the summer breeze began to increase. The sound of thunder echoed far away announcing its arrival.

"Everyone, gather around!" Dom yelled to get the production team grouped up, "We need to quickly get the tarps over the statues before it starts raining

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"Everyone, gather around!" Dom yelled to get the production team grouped up, "We need to quickly get the tarps over the statues before it starts raining." He turns to Susan and Jacob, "Would you two get the big ladder from the shed please?"

"We're on it." Nodded Jacob as they both quickly walked off.

"Kai, would you get the metal mallet from the shed too, and bring the bucket of metal stakes?"

"I'm on it." Kai turns and runs to the shed.

With the thunderstorm approaching, people are quickly closing stands and zipping their tents closed. Sanu has also given the order for the Drama Club to quickly finish getting everything stored up for the storm before heading back to school. So everyone was busy, all except for Haru. She stood there by her orange tent, even though she's all done closing her stand up, she just didn't know what to do with Mary's bag. With her being kidnapped, Haru doesn't know who to give it to.

Earlier she heard something go down by the stegosaurus statue with Louis, and she sees him now standing under a tent with his arms crossed near the tyrannosaurus statue. Haru would go up and ask if he's alright since it looks like he has a black eye. But now it wasn't a good time to do that, she has more pressing matters to deal with like who to give Mary's bag to. Which Haru knows will only get questions. She doesn't doubt that some people besides her, Legoshi and Louis, all three of them know what happened to Mary. And soon the others will know too.

'Who should I give it to?' Haru looked around but she was a bit hesitant, 'If I do give it to someone in the Drama Club, they will ask questions. Either way there's no backing out of it. The truth must be known.'

Haru would give Mary's bag to Legoshi since he was the last person she spoke to about Mary's kidnapping. But she hasn't seen him since then, like he just vanished soon after speaking to him.

Then Haru sees the other humans, the one Mary said that she's with. Her cousins and friend, they are definitely the right people to give her bag to. But again they will ask questions.

'I bet now they are beginning to ask where Mary is...' Haru watches as she sees two of them carrying a ladder with a mongoose behind them with a mallet and a bucket in both hands.

"Right here would be perfect." Said Dom as Susan and Jacob set the ladder down next to the tyrannosaurus.

They moved the latches on the ladder away so they could extend the ladder upwards to be able to reach the head. Fudge and Kibi had unfolded the tarp out and were ready to hand it up.

Jacob turns to Lucy, "You wanna go up?"

"Sure." Lucy walked towards the ladder, "Have you seen Mary?"

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