Chapter 36 Staying The Night

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Mary POV

Legoshi led me to the subway, even though the last train left. But there were a row of pay phones against the wall near the ticket counter.

"Here." Legoshi hands me the change he has.

They provided the phones but no change machine. So much for that. I picked up the phone and read the instructions:

*For local calls, enter phone #. Cost for local calls is 65 yen per minute.*

*For international calls, enter country 3 digit code then hit the pound key. Then the voice recorder will ask for the phone number he or she wants to call. It may take a couple of minutes or longer, depending where the country is you are trying to reach. Cost for international calls start at 100 yen per minute. For international calls that must travel longer distances, the price will go up and we will ask you to insert more change to continue dialing.*

You've got to be kidding me...

On Archeania, it's a rare sight to see a pay phone. Because most people have a cellphone. I looked down at how much change I have, and I only have 200 yen. Two minutes is all I will be given. So it must be a quick call. I inserted all the coins and prepared to dial the international code.

A voice came over the phone, "For local calling, please press 1. For international calling, please press 2."

I press two.

"Please enter the three digit code of the country you are trying to reach, followed by the pound key."

Thank goodness for Prime Minister John telling me our country's code during one of our meetings before I came here.


The phone clicked.

"The country you are reaching is, "Archeania". Please enter the phone number of the individual you are gonna call."

I froze a bit, I didn't know who to call. Not the government since I don't know the phone number. Then I remembered dad, but I forgot his phone number. I would put in my other friends on Archeania but they don't know who to call in the government, not to mention the phone number. So I decided to call Jacob, since his phone number I can remember, I trust him to tell my family. Plus our phones are still connected to our country.


"Please hold."

I hope he's still awake...

After a minute or two, I hear the phone click, signaling it has been picked up.


Jacob: Hello...?

Mary: Jacob, it's me.

Jacob: Mary!?

I hold the phone away so it doesn't burst my eardrums off.

Mary: Yes Jacob it's me.

I hear him get up and walk out of a room. Then the door closed.

Jacob: Oh my god! Are you alright?! Where are you?!

Mary: Yes I'm alright.

Jacob: I'm so sorry that you got kidnapped! What happened to you?

Mary: I'm alright, I got kidnapped by a gang called Shishigumi. Their boss wanted to eat me.

Jacob: Oh my god... how did you escape?

Mary: Well...

I look over at Legoshi who is leaning up against the wall patiently waiting for me,

Mary: Legoshi saved me, he found where I was.

Two Fates One Destiny (Beastars Legoshi x OC)Where stories live. Discover now