Chapter 10 The Hedonistic Garden

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3rd POV:

Legoshi and Kai made it to the Gardening Club door. They stand there before entering.

"Did you really need me to come with you?" Asked Kai.

"A wolf showing up and demanding flowers would just scare them." Legoshi looked down at Kai.

Just before they entered, Legoshi picked up on a smell. He smelled flowers but something else, an alluring smell. It took him by surprise.


"The flowers smell nice." Commented Kai.

"Ah..." Legoshi then takes a deep breath in through his nose. And from the mixture of smells, he picked up the scent of roses. Not flower roses, but from Mary.

'It's the girl from last night!'

Kibi stepped forward and pushed the door open.

"Ah..." Legoshi is slightly blinded by the sunlight.

As Legoshi's sight adjusts to the light, the garden becomes clear. Legoshi sees all types of flowers and plants. It looked beautiful. Until Legoshi sees a small dwarf rabbit standing in the small brick arch in the center of the roof.

'I didn't realize what a small rabbit she was. The garden of Hell.'

"Do you need something?" Asked Haru.

'This is bad. I have to go.' Legoshi panics in his head, 'Um... Let's see, any ideas? A stomachache? The bathroom? No, I'll just have to pretend I remembered I have to go do something.'

"Um, I..."

"I remembered I have to go do something!" Interrupted Kibi.

"Huh?" Legoshi looked over at Kibi.

"Oh, no, I can't believe I forgot! I have to run back!" Kibi quickly turns to leave.

Legoshi turns to stop Kibi, "Huh?! Hey!" Legoshi leans down to Kibi's height.

"I'll buy you an ant shake sometime." Replied Kibi.

"Huh?" Legoshi notice's that Kibi was nervous.

"Please deal with this." Kibi looks up at Legoshi.

Legoshi stops, "Huh?"

"I owe you big time!" Kibi

"You two!"

"Huh?" Legoshi and Kibi look over at the rabbit.

"I figured you were here to get flowers for the new students' welcome event. Are you not?" asked Haru.

"No, that's right. We are." Legoshi replies.

"Wolf boy here will explain the rest!" Kibi points at Legoshi before opening the door to leave.

"Huh!?" Legoshi turns to see Kibi leave.

"Bye!" Kibi slips through the door leaving Legoshi alone on the roof.

"Ah!" Legoshi tries to open the door but it doesn't budge.

Mary walks up to Haru to investigate what the commotion was about.

"Is everything alright Legoshi?" Mary asked.

Legoshi recognizes Mary's voice, 'I've ended up alone with her and the rabbit.'

Haru looks up at Mary, "Ahh... Rumors sure spread quickly, huh? I guess he got scared of me."

Mary looks down at Haru. 'What does she mean by that?' Mary wonders.

Two Fates One Destiny (Beastars Legoshi x OC)Where stories live. Discover now