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"I am her boyfriend." Jungkook touched Jimin with his full entitlement... "What kind of best friend he is yours huh!.. who doesn't know about me?" He furrowed his eyebrows and his fist was ready to land on Taehyung's face.

A staff interrupted them and asked Jungkook and Jimin to go counselling room.

"F***!" Jungkook fumed as he knew what it is about. "Let's keep in touch!" He said to Taehyung, glaring at him with anger...

"Tae!.. I will explain to you everything later." Jimin followed Jungkook. He didn't know the way to the counselling room.

Taehyung was astonished. He needed an explanation.

Jungkook and Jimin together went to the counselling room's entrance... Jungkook grabbed the doorknob but the door opened from inside. He saw his father, the boy he bullied and his mom. Sohyun and her mother left without any word. His father glared at him with red angry eyes... It seemed he handle everything.

"Useless!.. because of you I always have to be ashamed. What else left to hear about you?" Mr. Jeon rebuked...

Jimin perceived that person must be Jungkook's dad. And he knows how workse type his son is...

"Then you should have killed me." Jungkook said back, glaring at the thin boy that he called 3G..."You are gone for a sure weakling."

"See your son is threatening my son in front of me." The boy's mother said...

"Isn't he in a 3G category? A gay... Mam, you must have done lots of bad deeds in your previous life that you have a son like this." Jungkook said rudely, showing his angry eyes to the woman.

Mr. Jeon father slapped his son. "This is the way I taught you to talk with women huh!... Apologize to her right now."

Jungkook was used to his father's slaps and taunts...

"I said apologise her!"

Jungkook didn't say anything. He stood there with a smug smile... His father loses. He apologized to that woman and stomped his feet from there.

Jimin could feel how much Jungkook hate homosexuals. What happens when he finds out he had already kissed a boy?

"I hope you will fall for a boy someday and you will feel how I feel. You make my life hell and insult me and my love. I hope you will feel my pain."

"Are you done with your babbling 3G?" Jungkook said. He loves Ji hye. And he is sure he will never fall for a boy.

Jimin looked at that boy. His eyes expressed apologise for everything his sister Ji hye had done to him. That boy left with his mother forever from the University.

Then Jimin moved to his mission FOLLOW JUNGKOOK.

"Don't come near of me!" Jungkook barked at Jimin.

"How far?" Jimin asked...

Is she joking with me? Jungkook thought... "10 feet away. You got that."

Jimin nodded as he understood...

"Really!" Jungkook rolled his eyes...

Jimin wanted to grab Jungkook's hair and pulled it until he gets satisfied but he can't do that so he just imagined he did that. He wasn't liking Jungkook's behaviour toward him. He is trying so hard to get forgiveness though there was not his fault."Stubborn!"


It was dusky... The sky changed its colour to red and orange. Jungkook's classroom was empty. Jimin was watching Jungkook, he hadn't moved from his bench. He was weary of waiting for him.

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