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It was deafening silence but the beep of the machine that was connected to the body through wires was more deafening...

The movement of Jimin's eyelashes was the confirmation that he is still alive... Jungkook looked at Jimin, hoping his love don't stop battling for his life...

At the same time, his mind was extremely disturbed by his own actions. He was feeling numb, still in a shocking state. He was finding it difficult to solve what has happened? When he saw Jimin lying lifelessly, covered in blood, he lost his sense to understand anything... Now the part where he shoots Hyeon, Jimin falling from the building and the blood repeatedly playing on his mind like a loop...

His hands couldn't stop trembling even if he tried to stop it. Because those hands had taken someone's life...

"Hey! Don't move!" Hoseok said to Jimin who was inside the ambulance with some doctors. They let Jungkook in because Jimin asked for it.

Jimin moved his damaged arms, his body was feeling every sort of pain in every inch of his body and the most his heart was aching badly, to show it he even can't scream. His tears slid from the corner of his eyes as he touched Jungkook's hand and looked at him... He wants to say something to his dear.

Jungkook slowly leaned near to him to listen...

"Don't cry! If I die!" He whispered by his breath, the root of the lungs were hurting by this.

He was sure of himself that he will not withstand... And if it is his last he wants Jungkook to smile... He wants him not to remember him and cry on his memory.

"Move on and be happy!"

Jungkook now shed tears for the latter... His words sliced his chest deeper...

"Don't say that!.. Stay with me Jimin! You have to fight for me! l-like you always did for me. Y-you are.... f-future.... to-together..."

Hoseok's heart squeezed. It was so painful to see them crying for each other... He moved to Jungkook and put a hand on his shoulder... "Put your faith in him!"

Jungkook bit his lips hard to stop his tears. "I wish I could!"


The ambulance reached the hospital... 

Mrs.Jeon was ready for the emergency case. She didn't know the patient was Jimin... She was shocked... Just by looking at him, he was in critical condition... Her spine chilled down... But as a professional doctor, she managed her brain to act on this. They quickly moved Jimin to the emergency ward.

With the passing of time, everyone prayed for Jimin...

Ji hye was concealed with uncertainty, trying to think good for her brother but her mind was thinking terrible thoughts. She began to sob as the emotions couldn't be stopped by her strength.

Taehyung was in the corner, controlling his tears from coming out when he saw Ji hye he burst into tears.

Hoseok doesn't know him but he went beside Taehyung and listen his cries..

Yoongi went to his sister. She cried more... "Don't cry! Be strong Ji hye like you always were. I promise this will be the last. We will see him." He said but he himself was becoming hollow from inside. He looked at Jungkook... His father and elder brother were near of him but all of them were reserved.

Jungkook was so broken... What to think? What to do? His mind was constantly poking him to believe that Jimin is going to die.



Taehyung's father was stunned... He went to the landlord of sweet home for settlement and solutions.. Having a conversation with the landlord, What he heard shocked him.

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