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The twins came into the world with a time difference of 7 minutes... The elder brother Hyeon and younger brother Hanji.....

They were identical... The more they grew it became more difficult to distinguish them by their appearance. Even their voice matched. But in behaviour both were antonyms.

The elder was gifted with strength and the younger was blessed with intelligence and a kind heart......

Hanji was a favourite one among teachers, popular with friends, good at sports and extra activities....The medals and trophies he won were organized on the walls and cupboard. He was the proud son of their parents.

And in another hand, opposite to Hanji, Hyeon was bad at everything... Always got into trouble. Besides that, he had bad habits of smoke and alcohol...

Hyeon was sure jealous of his younger brother... But both brothers had immense love between them...  They could do anything for each other.

Hyeon mostly got into fights to protect his younger brother from bullies. His parents get complained about his unpleasant activities numerous times, so he used to get scolded by his parents practically every day, making him depressed about his existence.  Because of that he never felt loved by his parents...

The only person he felt loved and supported was his younger brother Hanji.

Hanji was not comparable with his elder brother's strength, so he used to think that he never had a chance to show his love for his brother.

The days passed and both of them enrolled on college. Hanji with good grades and Hyeon with the appeal of his father.

Everything was fine between the brothers until a girl entered their life... Both twin brothers fell for the same girl named Hwan..... And the wall of secrets started to build between them, also the distance.

They decided to confess her...

Hanji was the one who tried to confess her first, unaware Hyeon was also in love with her.

But surprisingly Hwan expressed her love to Hanji in front of the entire college...... She had to collect a lot of courage for that so that Hanji couldn't say no to her. She was attracted by Hanji's kind nature from the first visit.

She chose Hanji as her love and rejected Hyeon.

Hyeon got hurt by the rejection. Anger and grudge piled in his mind against his brother.

The bother he protected all his life was now against his love. Rival in love.


Hanji and Hyeon had their first fight because of a girl...

In front of the University gate...

Hyeon grabbed Hanji on his neck and slammed him against the gate. He dig his nails on his neck which caused bleeding...

Hanji choked. His face became red in the lack of oxygen... He endured but couldn't fight back with the brother he love and respect.

Taejun (Taehyung's father) and Hwan reached there in the meantime. Taejun separated them and protected his best friend Hanji.

Hwan slapped Hyeon in front of everyone. "When I rejected you, you asked me that What is the difference between you and your brother? Why did I choose Hanji? right!!!" She looked directly into his eyes........ "Because people should have a beautiful heart, which you lacked... I bet Hanji didn't raise his hand on you like you did and that's the difference between you and him."

Hyeon felt so embarrassed not because of his actions because Hwan slapped him. He felt insulted.

Hwan and Taejun took Hanji to the health office.

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