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"Good morning, Dave." John, the HR recruiter officer, stood in front of Dave's office, along with a girl next to him.

"Hey, John! Good morning! What can I help you?" Dave replied.

"Let me introduce you your new secretary, Ava." John explained, waving his hand towards the girl. The girl, took the hand as cue, walking into the room towards Dave and offered her hand for a handshake.

"Morning, sir. My name is Ava. It's a honour for me to join this company, and I hope I can contribute to your organization." Ava introduced herself.

"Hi! Welcome aboard! Finally I have someone who can help reminding me about my daily tasks! I'm rather forgetful, you know!" Dave replied with a big grin on his face, while shaking hands with her.

"OK, Dave, enough with the introduction. Let me take her to her desk. Come, I'll show you where you sit." John said, ending his short visit.

"Excuse me, sir." Sais Ava as she followed John went out of the room. Dave nodded his answer.

Ava worked so well in assisting Dave. A large cup of cafe-latte with two sachets of sugar, the way he likes it, always stands there on Ava's desk in the morning, ready to be taken by Dave whenever he arrives to the office. Meeting schedule is properly noted in her outlook calendar and share to Dave so he can always refer to it anytime to check for free time or to be prepared prior to any meeting. Not that he needs to check for the calendar, though, for she always reminds him about any meeting in proper time anyway. Incoming documents are also arranged accordingly based on their urgency.

All went well until one day...

"Morning." Dave greeted Ava as he took his cafe-latte.

"Oh, errr... good morning, sir." Ava replied to his greeting. She seemed to a bit drifted away.

Hmmm... Perhaps she was just too concentrated to her tasks, Dave thought as he walked into he office and sipped on his coffee.

Yuck...! What the hell is this?!? How many sachets she put in this shit?! Dave grunted. His coffee was way too sweet to his liking.

"Ava." Dave types on her assistant's Lync window.

"Yes, sir?" Ava's replied came to the Lync.

"The coffee seemed to be sweeter than usual. How many packets di you put in it today?"

"Oh! I'm really sorry, sir. I guess I put double the sugar today! Let me go downstairs to fetch you the correct coffee."

"It's OK, Ava. No need to buy more." Dave typed his reply, but too late, Ava's Lync account already turned yellow as she locked her pc and ran to the cafe.

"Here's the new coffee, sir." Said Ava thirty minutes later, as she gave Dave the new cup.

"It's not necessary, Va. I'm going to buy it myself while getting my breakfast, but thanks anyway." Dave replied as he took the cup. He looked at Ava's face, glittered with sweat. "You ran al the way and back?"

"Yeah, I feel guilty about your cup of coffee, sir." Ava shyly answered.

Later on that day, Dave's cell phone rang. 'Charles' was displayed on the screen.

"Hi, Charles, what's the news?" Asked Dave on the phone.

"Dave, where are you?" Charles asked Dave back from the other side.

"Well, at my desk, of course. What's up?"

"At your desk? Aren't you going to attend the meeting? Our clients have been waiting for us at the meeting room!" Charles questioned Dave.

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