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“Morning.” Dave greeted Ava. One cup of cafe-latte was there at her desk, as usual. She is busy working, also as usual.

“Morning, sir.” She returned the greeting without even looking at him. “Oh, by the way, our client asked about our response regarding their document, sir.” She continued. A dash of regret was heard on her tone.

“Just tell them that we will give our answer tomorrow. If they get mad, forward them to me, I’ll handle it.” He answered. He then took the coffee cup and sipped it. “And thanks for the coffee, Va. Perfect, as always.”

Dave sat on his chair, took the document their client mentioned about, and started to study it. His mind, though, preferred to think about what happened last night, things that again made his trousers felt tighter.

Ping! A new mail notification from his outlook account piqued his interest. He read it carefully, and gradually his face shifted from surprised to despised.

“Can you come here for a moment? I need to show you something.” Dave type to Ava’s Lync.

“Ok.” She replied shortly.

Soon after, Ava’s head showed at his door. 

“What’s up, sir?” She asked as she walked towards his desk.

“Here, take a look at this email.” Dave said, turned the monitor around towards her.

“Oh, my....” She exclaimed as she read it. “But that’s impossible! I’m pretty sure we have completed their requirements. Anyway I believe we have complete documentation on this.” She concluded.

“Do you have everything synched to your laptop?” Dave asked.

“I have, sir. Do you want me to show it to you?”

“No need. We’ll visit their place. You bring your laptop.” Dave snapped.

“Oh, ok, sir.” She responded. With that, she returned back to her desk, closed her laptop and immediately shove it in to its back. Within seconds she was already in front of elevator, laptop bag on her shoulder and a handbag on her hand. Dave stood next to her with a grumpy face.

Traffic of Jakarta that morning was quite fluid. It was between office rush and lunch time, so they could reach their client’s office within 40 minutes. Dave’s tension was apparent on his face.

At the location, they were greeted by the receptionist and, after telling her their intention, Dave and Ava were led to one of the meeting rooms to wait for the person in charge.

“Hi, Dave, how are you?” Broto, their counterpart from the client side, entered the room and offered his hand to shake Dave’s.

“How are you, Broto. Everything’s good?” Dave responded. The anger was well hidden beneath the surface, as if everything was OK.

“And who do we got here?” Asked Broto with his gaze planted on Ava.

“Oh, this is Ava, one of my team.” Dave explained. “Ava, Broto. Broto, Ava.” He continued by introducing Ava to Broto.

“Ava.” She said.

“Broto. Nice to have you here.” They shook hands. 

“Ok, then. Have a seat, please. What sort of wind brought you guys here?” Broto asked after the short welcoming ritual. His face showed as if nothing was wrong with the project although his email two hours ago said otherwise.

“So, we are here today to discuss about the email that we received earlier regarding our project.” Dave explained the purpose of their visit.

Dave started his inquiries and clarifications about the project, and soon the meeting participants grew in number. One by one project personnel were called to join the meeting to expose various aspects and issues of their respective scope of works. Various product samples that they brought in, along with their laptops, scattered on the meeting table and made the meeting room more looked like a workshop.

Although were attacked from many sides, Dave kept his composure well throughout the meeting. The only sign his distress was his repeated visit to the water dispenser at one corner of the room. Ava, on the other hand, was too busy preparing and showing the required documents to feel the tension.

It was already past four PM when the meeting was finally ended with an agreement to hold another, more comprehensive one, and inviting even more people. Dave drove his car back to their own office, with Ava sat next to him. Without his clients around, Dave’s face again showed his emotion. The dark cloud hung on Jakarta’s sky that afternoon helped nothing to cheer the situation up.

“Oh, it’s raining.” Ava tried to break the ice. The water droplets started to wet the windscreen.

“Yeah.” Dave agreed. He took a glimpse at the dark sky then turned on the wiper. “There is going to be traffic jam soon.” He added afterwards.

As if on cue, the traffics started to thicken rapidly. Soon they practically stood still in the middle of the road. The rain poured like crazy.

“There we have it.” Dave murmured. “And I need to pee. Great.” He continued with a bit of sarcasm.

Ava smiled. Half of her laughed at his situation, another half felt sorry for him. Dave’s frequent flyer miles to the dispenser begun to take effect.

“Let’s find a gas station or convenience store.” Ava suggested.

“Yeah.” Dave agreed. His hand already at the GPS unit, searched for the nearest gas stations or convenience store.

“All will take us to quite a detour, especially now that we are inside the toll road.” He talked, more to him self, watched the suggested locations on his GPS. “Ok, let’s take this one.” He chose one location.

“Twenty two more minutes.” Ava read the estimate time of arrival shown by the GPS, to help Dave got the notion of how long he had to endure.

Ten minutes later, Dave poke at the GPS. “My gosh! Still nineteen more minutes!” He cried in desperation. He uneasily changed his seating position, tried harder to hold the urge to pee. 

“Can’t hold it much longer, can you, sir?” Asked Ava, teased her colleague. A smile decorates her face.

“You bet I can’t!” Dave snapped, felt irritated. He changed his seating position once again. “Don’t be shocked when this car smells like urinary soon.” He added shortly with a grin. “If only we had trees outside, so I can pee there...” He mumbled. His eyes frustratingly scanned the sides of the barren toll road of Jakarta.

For another few minutes they went silent, only the voice of a radio announcer was heard on the car’s sound system, informing the hopeless situation of Jakarta’s traffic during that monsoon rain. Every now and then, Dave’s car seat sounded a soft rattle as he moved and wiggled, in his futile effort to hold the urge to pee.

“Errr...” Suddenly Ava broke the silence.

“Yes...?” Dave responded sharply, felt peevish with his situation.

“Eee... what if I helped you easing the urge?” Ava hesitantly continued.

“What do you mean?” Dave replied, startled. “Did you offer me to help navigating through this goddamn traffic?” He guessed.

“No, not the traffic.” Ava corrected him. “I offered you to ease your urge.” She rephrased.

“Wh...? You can do that? But how...?” He got confused. “Do you want to suck it?” He continued, then laughed sarcastically. 

“Errr... that’s correct, sir.” Ava nodded. Her face turned red.

“Correct? What’s correct? You want to suck it?” Dave almost got angry felt like he was being played around.

“Yes, that’s what I meant, sir.” Ava answered.

“C’mon! Don’t fool around, Va. You know how painful it is now, don’t you?! I have no time for joke.” Dave burst.

“I’m sorry for your pain, sir, but truly, I’m not joking about it.” She affirmed.

“Seriously? What the hell was that, actually?” Dave asked, got even more confused with the conversation.

“Seriously, sir. Erick taught me that.”

“What? Erick taught you? Mind telling me how he taught you that?” Dave queried.

“Well, sometimes, when I blew him, instead of sperm, he teased me by peeing in my mouth.” She explained. “It was really disgusting, I knew, and got really pissed off of him when he did that. Well, it IS still disgusting even now, but after some time, I think I could live with his game, as long as it’s not too often done.” She paused. “Because the taste of pee is awful, unlike sperm.” She continued shyly.

Dave fell silent upon hearing Ava’s explanation.

“So you really want to suck my... errr... pee?” He asked finally.

“Yeah. I don’t really like to do it, actually. But this is emergency situation, I guess.” She responded.

Suddenly Dave’s private writhed. He never have imagined such a gross and wild thing in his life before, yet, the image of Ava drinking his pee out looked morbidly sexy. Reflexively his hand moved toward the front of his trousers, straightened his soldier’s position. Ava smiled at his action.

“What’s up, sir?” She teased him.

“Oh, nothing.” Dave replied pretended to watch the rear-view mirror to avoid her gaze. 

“So, what do you think? Do you want me to help you? Hurry up, while stock lasts.” She repeated her offer.

“Ah, well. Ok, I can’t hold it much longer anyway. What should I do, then?” Dave gave up.

“Errr... you just have to concentrate on the traffic. Let me handle everything.” She answered.

Ava tool a rubber band from her hand bag, formed her hair into a pony tail, and then bend herself towards Dave’s lap. There, he unzipped his trousers, and hen took the boy out of its throne.

While holding his warm rod, Ava turned her head up, and said. “Please pee slowly, to give time to swallow it, ok?” She requested.

“Ok, just give me the signs.” He awkwardly answered.

“Sure.” Ava said. She then looked back down, opened her mouth and put Dave’s helmet inside while held the shaft between her thumb and index finger.

Once he felt Ava was in her position and ready to receive, Dave started relaxing his Kegel muscles. He immediately felt the fluid flew inside his  plumbing. Not long after, when he felt Ava’s thumb and index squeezed him as her sign to stop, he stopped the flow. The flow began again when the squeeze loosened. 

And so the flow stopped-and-go as directed. A hint of distinctive aroma of urine was smelled, although not strong. Soon, this surreal experience gave him full erection and it turned out to be a blessing in disguise for both of them. His hardness made Ava’s squeeze strong enough to completely stop the flow so Ava had full control now while Dave could concentrate on enjoying the sensation

Finally Dave finished his business but, instead of lifted her body back up, knowing that he still had a hard-on business to cater to, Ava started to move her head slowly up and down the shaft. 

Being at the receiving end of Ava’s action, Dave moaned. His left hand let go off the steering wheel and move to his back, and then moved further up her body towards the bottom of head, and then finally rested below Ava’s ponytail. He closed his eyes every time Ava softly sucked him. Being among a heavy traffic jam didn’t require him to constantly watch out for the traffics, thankfully.

At last, a sudden tidal wave of pleasure surged towards the tip of his iceberg.

“Va...!” He exclaimed as his other hand changed its claim from the steering wheel to the back of her head. Both of his hands slammed Ava towards his crotch while his right foot slammed at the break pedal.

Ava’s lips, palate, and tongue could all feel the throbbing of Dave’s manhood. She lost almost all control of her movement the moment Dave slammed her head towards his body, so she let Dave unloaded his problem with all of his might. Every now and then her tongue massaged Dave to help him unload. Waves of sperm hit the back of Ava’s mouth, and she swiftly swallowed them all. It wasn’t as much as yesterday, so Ava purposely let a few flew down towards her tongue so she could taste it and erase the pee after taste that overwhelmed her.

After the attack subsided, Dave let Ava’s head go, so she pulled herself up, made sure that all was clean before she put Dave’s private back to his nest.

“Wow...!” David exclaimed.

“How are you now, sir? Feeling better?” Ava asked, smiled, and put a piece of mint candy taken from her hand bag.

“Better? I feel great! Exhausted, but yeah, great!” Dave answered.

“So I guess we no longer need to visit the gas station, do we?” He continued. His hands already at the GPS unit, ready to cancel the route.

“STOP IT! We still need it!” Ava shouted.

“Oh... We still need it?” Asked Dave.

“Yup! I’m sure I’m going to need it later. I swallowed so much from you I feel bloated.” She explained with a smile.

“Oh, I see. Hahaha...! Ok, then, gas station it is.” Dave kept the current route. “Do you think you can stand for fourteen minutes?” Asked him after checking the ETA. “If you can’t, then let me return the favour by drinking yours. How about that?” He offered.

“In your dream, sir!” Ava answered, laughing.

“How did the pee taste like anyway?” Dave asked.

“Awful!” She said. “It’s just because of the emergency situation that you had that I decided to drink it. Compared to pee, I prefer sperm any time of the day, so don’t you ever ask me to do it again!”

“Man! You and Erick, you both are crazy! What other things that you guys do?” Dave commented, shook his head. “Has Erick back, yet? Introduce me to him so I can learn a thing or two.”

“Not yet, I’ll get you acquaintance with him once he come home.” Ava replied.

Thirty minutes later, they arrived at the gas station. Ava ran to the toilet while Dave just walked leisurely there. He no longer wanted to pee, but the traffic jam was still bad, so he decided not to take any risk, no matter how pleasurable the risk was.


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