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Ava scooped a little with her finger and brought it to Dave who then suck it clean, enjoyed every bit of its taste. Ava finished the rest off of his hand.

"So," Dave started the topic, "it's confirmed that you will come just by having the juice."

"Not necessarily!" Ava debated, "your fingers excited me."

"Uh," Dave argued, "I noticed that you had your surge before I started jamming you."

"No I'm not!" Ava barked. "You made me come!"

"I think I just helped you finishing it off," Dave commented.

"Ah stop it!" Ava barked, turned her head to the side window, hiding its redness away.

"The question is," Dave murmured, "whether you are excited by my juice, or by any man's."

Ava turned her head back to Dave, eyes glaring. "You want me to taste other man's seed?" She barked.

Dave shrugged and smiled.

Ava took a deep breath. "I don't think I can, Dave," she breathed her comment out.

"I don't mind," Dave replied, "as long as you still take mine as well."

"You pervert!" she barked, then grunted, as she lay her head on the seat, "and now I'm sleepy, thanks to you and your seed!"


"Are you okay?" Dave asked as they stood inside the elevator, Ava was holding his arm and rested her head on his shoulder. From their reflection on the elevator door, he saw her eyes closed.

"No, I'm not!" she mumbled, "how can I enjoy your seed if it also makes me tired and sleepy afterward!"

The lift stopped on a floor. Ava immediately released his arm and stood straight, just in time before some people went joined in. They Dave and Ava immediately recognized one of the new passengers.

"Morning, Elma!" Both greeted her.

"Hi, Av, Dave!" she replied, her eyes shone with glee.

When they arrived at their floor, Elma grabbed Ava's hand and dragged her to the coffee corner, leaving Dave continued walking toward his office.


It was almost lunch time. Dave was sitting in front of his computer, thinking about what the two girls were talking about, when his phone chimed.

"Can we come in? Elma needs to discuss something."

Dave raised his eyebrow, then typed his answer.

Not long after, his door opened up, and the two girls walked in. ava quickly locked the door.

Dave stood up and moved to sit on the sofa. "Please, have a seat!" he offered.

Ava immediately sat, grabbing Elma, who looked uneasy, to sit next to her, across the coffee table, facing him.

"So ...," Dave was about to ask.

"So, Elma wants to know how you came again and again last night!" Ava blurted out.

Elma cleared her throat. Her face turned red.

"I, uh, okay ....," Dave gulped, awkwardly tried to find the right words to answer.

"And I think I will show her how!" Ava continued.

Now Dave's face turned red. "Now?" he asked, "Here?"

Ava smiled. She nodded.

"You mean, you want her to do it ...," Dave spoke slowly word by word, "on me?"

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