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Erick stared at the ceiling of Melanie's hotel room. He laid there on the floor as Mélanie do her mouth works over his rod. His nuts painfully throbbed. After so many times of constricted comings. A pass of her tongue over the area behind his little neck made him shiver. He gulped to the sensation and said, breaking the ice, "My balls hurt."

Mélanie only mumbled. Her mouth was too busy to produce any legible word. One of her hand pet and gently massaged Erick's nut sack, though, as if it would ease his pain.

Erick sighed and gulped again, enjoying the stimulus. His hand pet her head and played with her hair. Soon, his sighs turned into moans. And his breaths turned sharp. Her pelvic started jerking.

Erick's phone beeped, signifying an icoming text message, but he just didn't care now. His body was prepped to produce. He gripped Mélanie's head and thrust himself in. Her playing time was over.

After several powerful strikes, Erick felt the flood rushing in. "Mél...," he called, notifying his client.

Mélanie readied herself to receive him. One hand massaging his nuts, her other hand rubbing the base of his shaft, both were inviting his inevitability.

"Mel ...!" Erick called again, in panic, noticing that his friend hasn't done what she was supposed to do.

Mélanie pressed her tongue to the moving shaft.

"Mél!" Erick shrieked, "I'm coming! Please!"

Mélanie applied a gentle suck against his retreating little head.

Too much. Erick stopped moving, trying his best to close the flood gate.

Too late. Erick grunted in defeat, jerked as he felt his first wave of liquid came rushing through his love vein.

Mélanie received Erick first spray of seed at the back of her tongue. Then as quickly as the hot lava landed on it, her finger applied the pressure at the base of the pipe. Pressure that Erick has been requesting for.

Erick jerked a few more times, each time with a sigh of relieve. Her pressure was painful but that allowed him to safely enjoy the moment.

Once the deliveries were done. Mélanie retrscted him out of her mouth. She looked at Erick, smiled at him with clenched lips, her tongue played with the only batch of him that managed to spurt.

"You're late!" Erick protested with panting breath.

Mélanie took her time to taste his essence one last time, gulped it all in, then replied, "Nope! I was on time!" Then she smiled widely and continued, "congratulations for your fourteenth, and you're welcome!"

"What do you mean you're on time?" Erick barked, "I sprayed once!"

Mélanie smiled. "And that's my second condition! I will ask one spray of your seed every time you come!"

"Oh!" exclaimed Erick in astonishment. "Why?"

Mélanie shrugged, her index finger massaged his warm and still half hard shaft. "I don't know," she mumbled to it, "the sight of Arnaud spraying his seeds over his belly made wanted to taste him."

"Oh ...."

"But he is not here, and I can do it with just any rod!" she frowned, "thw closest rod I have now is yours, his dickpelganger, but you are not allowed to spray!"

Erick laughed awkwardly. "Yeah," he commented, "I'm sorry."

Mélanie grinned. "And that's why I decided to tax you! I cheated on him, so why don't I make you cheat a little on Ava as well!"

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