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The rustle of people standing up brought Erick back from his daydream. Quickly he followed suit and joined the crowd clapping hands, although he didn't know what the speaker was talking about. Soon, as the other guests were still in their standing ovation, Erick shifted his attention to his cellphone.

A woman's hand gently grabbed his, interrupting Erick. He quickly moved his gaze from the screen to the face of the hand's owner, met with Yvonne's weary eyes.

"Don't!" Yvonne said softly amidst the claps, her pale face shooked slowly. "Give me time to rest," she added, "please!"

Slowly Erick smiled. He showed his phone's screen to her. "Relax!" he assured, "I'm just browsing my chat history!"

Yvonne face turned relaxed, although she still bit her lower lip. "Can I ask to turn it off?" she requested.

Erick shook his head slowly. A smirk decorated his face.

Yvonne took a deep breath and slowly sipped her drink. Erick could see her hand trembled.


The gala finally over. They walked toward the main door, Yvonne held Erick's arm tightly. Her pace unsteady, her breaths heaved heavily.

At the front gatez as they waited for his car, yvonne grabbed his arm and leaned her head on his shoulder as she closed her eyes. Erick heard her writhed softly.

His car arrived. Erick grabbed her shoulder and lead her to step down the stairs toward the car.

Yvonne squealed softly. "Slowly!" she hissed as she carefully stepped down.

Erick smiled at her reddened face, but complied.

Finally they reached their car. Erick opened her door and helped her climbed in, then walked toward the driver seat began driving the car.

Free from the crowed. Yvonne rested her back to the seat hurriedly slid her hand through the high slit of her night gown toward the base of her spread legs and began moaning.

"Do you want ....?"

"No!" she cut his question short, followed by a loud groan. "This is strong enough!" she continued with heavy breath. Her eyes rolled up a few seconds later as her torso made an arch.

Yvonne slammed her back to the seat a few seconds later, then looked at Erick on her side. She laughed awkwardly as he looked back at her. "I think I soil your gown!" she commented, "sorry!"

Erick smiled. "Its your gown," he corrected, "but don't worry, we'll clean it. I'll buy you another one if necessary!"

"Thanks!" Yvonne replied. Her hand still underneath the soft thin fabric, her finger strumming the tip of the device perched between her legs. The length of its body snuggly fit inside her soaking love canal, wriggling gently. Yvonne sighed softly as she pulled the toy a bit and then pushed it back.

"I can set it to thrust ...!" Erick mumbled.

"No! Thanks!" Yvonne cut him short, "this is good enough!" She moaned.

"Want to come again?" Erick offered.

Yvonne clasped her legs together. "No! Unless," she panted, "you want me to be exhausted by the time we arrive at my place!"

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