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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

"Sage, we kind of need your help." John B spoke through the phone.

"I'm kind of in the middle of something, what is it?" Sage asked, setting the phone down to clean her stitches.

"Look I know you don't like us right now, and we're sorry, okay? But we found the cross." John B spoke, and Sage's eyes widened.

"You what? Where?" Sage asked, wincing as she pressed the large bandaid on.

"It's at a church, I'll send you the address. We need some help moving it." John B spoke, and Sage sighed. "Please, Sage. We need you." John B begged. Sage was never good at saying no, so she nodded.

"Fine, I'll be there soon." Sage said, grabbing her keys.


"Guys, are you here?" Sage asked, walking through the grass towards the church.

"Sage, please tell me we're not gonna be threatened at arrow point again." Levi said, and Sage shook her head.

"I hope not. I'm already injured." Sage chuckled, pulling open the church door. A giant cross stood tall, stuck into the ground as the Pogues surrounded it.

"Holy shit dude." Levi exclaimed, causing the Pogues to jump.

"God, we thought you were Rafe." JJ said, taking a breath of relief.

"Rafe wants the cross? Why?" Sage questioned.

"Who knows. He loves taking things that aren't his." Sarah said.

"How and the hell are we suppose to move this? It looks like it's ten thousand pounds." Ruby pointed out.

"Well we gotta try, this is really important to Pope." Sage spoke, bending down and placing her hands under the cross. "Okay we'll lift on three." Sage spoke, and everyone got ready to lift.

"One, two, three." John B counted, and everyone lifted. Sage winced, feeling her stitches come loose. She let go of the cross, and fell back into one of the church pews.

"Sage, are you okay?" Levi asked, and she nodded, not wanting to worry anyone.

"Okay who's not lifting right now?"JJ asked, struggling under the cross.

"Guys, I can't." Pope said, panting heavily.

"No, no, no, Pope." Sarah said.

"Pope hang in there dude. No, no." JJ said, as Pope dropped the cross, everyone else letting go after him. Pope fell back into the church pew next to Sage.

"Damn it, yo. You almost dropped it on my foot." JJ yelled at Sarah.

"Cause I'm the only one lifting it!" Sarah defended. Sage looked over at Pope who was struggling to breath. She looked down at his hands, and saw the red rash.

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