Chapter 38

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Months have gone by and everyday I still think of the Australian, Philippine and Japan tour.
The screaming fans calling our names, the out of ordinary things being thrown on stage.
Everyday that passes, means another step towards our UK tour.
More dates and arenas are constantly being booked because of our fans.

"Brad, what you think of that?" James wonders, slightly knocking my shoulder.

"Hmm?" I quickly come out of my little day dream.

"The tune, for the song we're working on..." He holds out his sentence.
I nod my head,

"Oh yeah, that was great." I give him a thumbs up, quietly strumming the guitar on my lap.
Truth is, I have no idea what he played, but i didn't want to seem too rude, anyways I'm sure what ever James played was great, it always is.

And yes! James is finally back on the guitar. After months of not having our boy playing it's been quite strange.
He's happy. Very happy.

"Did you want to go out to dinner tonight? It's been a long day here." I keep my eyes on my guitar, strumming each string softly. I nod.

"Sure." I smile, looking up.

"Great, I'll see you back at home. Don't stay in here too late, okay mate."

"Yep, okay."
James quietly leaves the studio, only myself left to work.
Tris and Connor left around lunch time, something about them being really hungry and tired.
We haven't spoken to Dean or Joe much today, we just all thought we'd come in.

With every strum of the guitar, I see it much more clearly.
The lyrics in my head, ready to be spilled out onto paper.
Guitar pick in my mouth and pen in hand, I start to scribble down every word that I feel.

I take my guitar, notepad and pen over to where the keyboard is set up. I sit down and place the guitar beside me.
My fingers delicately drag over the keys.

Flash backs appear, me playing the piano in song covers, for fun, for family, for fans...

Before I know it, I'm up and at the mac book computer, microphone and headset recording a rhythm that's even surprising me.
Here I am, recording a new song... A new song for The Vamps 2nd album.
It only felt like yesterday our first album, Meet The Vamps was released and for our second to be coming out this year, time's going to quick to keep up with.

Half an hour later, I'm nearly finished, the chorus stumping me.
I can't think of anything.

My eyes snap to door handle being jiggled.
A second later, she walks through... The love of my life walks through the door,
Everything comes at once, the chorus coming to me like a slap to the face... And the Euphoria. She's beautiful.
I scribble the last few sentences down. I stand to my feet in a flash.

"Hey beautiful." I smile, pulling her into my chest.

"Hi Bwadli" she muffles her words, probably because I just pushed her face into my chest.

"How've you been?" I ask, packing up the equipment I used in my session.

"Good, were you writing a new song?" She questions picking up the pages of words (my song)
I quickly snatch it away, sympathetically smiling at her.

"Yeah, just a little somethin' I'm working on."

"Let's do something!" I quickly change the topic.

"Sure, what do you want to do to?"

"Well, I'm meant to be going out with the lads tonight, do you want to come?" Emily frowns.

"Brad, it's nealy half 9..."

"Shit." I curse, grabbing my phone and putting it in my pocket.

Em and I walk out the studio and outside.

We eventually catch a taxi back to mine, it now because quarter to 10.
Entwining Emily's and my hands, I lead us to the front door. Once in, I spot James, Tristan and Connor on the couch.

I sheepishly smile.

"Why are you so late Bradddd?" Tris whines.

"I was recording. Did you all want to go out now?" I ask, looking at the girl next to me.
She lightly smiles.

"Yes, finally!" Con laughs.

"Where shall we all go?" Em asks, taking a small step closer into my side.

Between the 5 of us, it takes 5 minutes to decide where to go. Eventually, we chose bowling.

So here we are now, at the bowling rink.

"Where's Lauren, Em?" James asks, tapping his knee.

"She went back to visit her family." The conversation continues, us all talking about our families.

"Are you going back to Ari, Em?" Tris asks, sitting on her small lap.

"Erm, I think so or dad will come here. We're not too sure right now because he's packed at work." Em shrugs her shoulders, sipping at her soda.
Wait, let's rephrase that... Trying to sip at her soda, Tris' back is in her face.

"Bloody hell Tris, you have a freaking boney ass." Em cries. We all laugh, carrying on with our late night out.


"Brad?" Em whispers, tracing her fingers on my chest.

"Hmm, yes love?"

"I really want my mum back. I loved the way she'd tell me stories from her childhood about her mum and experiences. I miss her so much." I pull my girl tighter into my chest, my head in the crook of her neck.

"I know Ems, I know. I'm here for you and I love you, okay?" I slightly feel her head moving on my chest, saying a small yes.
A minute passes and I can feel soft breaths on my bare chest.

"I'll always love you my dear, you're my one and only."

I whisper my last five words,

"I love you Em... Forever"


Long time no see!
So you guys are so great and I love you all!!!!
6.7 thousand!!!

So every time i reach a higher amount of views on Is It An Impossible Love? I'll be writing an even longer and interesting chapter just for all of you!
Okay, and who's seen this interview to the side!??
(If you haven't, I suggest you do. :P)
Brad has a hickey on his neck and he tries to freaking hide it!!!
He's such a douche, but we all love him. xx

-Beth :D

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