Chapter 59 - Part Two

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"This is our new home." I smile, pulling my handsome husband closer.
Towering over us about is a 2 story high house. The house is lined up by a tall black fence, giving us the security we need.

"Come on, no ones here yet but I want to show you around." Brad says, leading me towards the house.
There was a garden in the middle of the drive way reminding me of a fancy American house. There's a garage off to the side but plenty of gravel and grass area to fit our guests and that's a lot.

When we step off the gravel path - which might I add is hard to walk on in a floor length dress and heels - the double door is white.
Brad sticks his hand out, pressing a few buttons on a small box on the wall.

I catch the passcode, 2006 the door making a clicking sound a second later.

"Welcome home Mr and Mrs Simpson." A computerised voice speaks. I frantically look around, Brad laughing.

"That was the speaker honey." Brad reassures, pointing to a speaker on the box. I chuckle.
Brad puts his hand on the door handle, it being pushed open a second later.

When I step inside I am engulfed in the feeling of "home".

"Wow." I whisper, looking around at the interior. I step out of my heels, holding my dress.

The white tiled floors cold beneath my feet.
The whole house from what I can see seems to be layered in a coat of grey paint.

I'm lead down a 3 meter hallway. The small walk scattered with photos of family and friends. One catches my eye, a canvas of my mum and I when I was a little girl. I haven't seen this photo in so many years.

The hall way is about 3 and a half meters wide, matching it's length.

Stepping our of the confined space, we're met with a very open space - the lounge room.

A large fluffy looking carpet under 3 white leather couches spread out nicely around the room, a glass coffee table with a plasma screen TV hung on the wall with a brick fireplace beneath it. Perfect for the winter.
Small little interior things displayed on shelves.

My eyes fall upon a large canvas on the far end wall.

I walk up to it, taking a long look.
Up on the wall sits a photos of Brad and I, that day in New York in the ice cream shop- us kissing.
I smile, turning back around. Brad laughs.

"That's not all Em, there's still another 3 levels and the backyard. My mouth drops open in shock. He laughs again.

"Did you buy this house?" I ask. Brad shakes his head, sitting on the arm of the couch.

"I bought the land and built the house." My head starts to spin at his words.
What? That would've cost a fortune.

"Come on, let me show you more." I nod, following Brad into the next room which happens to be the kitchen and dining room.
The floors still a white tile and walls grey, a black table sits in the left side of the room, sitting a dozen people.
To the right of the room is the kitchen, a nice black marble counter making the grey walls seems brighter.

The bench goes into a U shape with cabinets. 2 doors for the pantry.

The next room is in another hallway, different to the one we'd first walked down - around a corner.

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