Chapter 22

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Bradley's P.O.V

We've been driving for just over an hour and Em is still happily asleep holding my hand. Fortunately for me we just entered Birmingham. Passing all the familiar streets and houses we pull up at my home.

"Honey, wakey wakey." I coo leaning closer to my love and kissing her warm cheek. Em's eyes flutter open, her brown eyes standing out like a bright star.

"We're here already? What time is it?" She yawns. My dash board reads the time.

"It's 11:30 Em." I laugh when she groans, the car seats not being the most comfortable sleeping place.

She looks at me straight in the eye and smiles. I return her smile and squeeze her hand I have been holding since the very start of the drive.

"Well I know what I'm getting you for Christmas mr." Em laughs. I pull our hands away, the warmth and feelings leaving almost instantly.

"Come on." I usher, pecking her lips and opening the car door. I walk over to her side and open her closed door. She's unbuckled but grabbing her phone. I pay the driver as she hops out.

"Shall we head in now m'lady?" I say in the poshest voice I can muster.

"We shall. Oh how excited I am to meet your parents." I laugh at her sarcasm and take her hand in mine again.

"It's going to be fine. I talk about you all the time to them. I talk to Jess about you too." I promise. A giggle escapes her lips. She's beautiful. In her black leggings, white floral top and black converse with no make up at all. Most girls would be self conscious about having natural look with no make up but my Em doesn't mind. She doesn't need any makeup, she's beautiful either way- inside and out.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" she asks shyly digging her head into my shoulder. We're nearly at my front door.

"Because you're beautiful, Em. I'm so happy you're mine and I love you. So much."

"I'm happy too and I love you more than words can describe. I love you more then you could ever imagine." She whispers looking me right in the orbs. Her brown curls are waved around her shoulders bringing out her face. We reach the door, just looking into each other's eyes. Our eyes detach from each other's as the door swings open revealing Nat; my older sister. Before we can say a word Jess comes out and runs to my legs, lifting his legs up to my chest.

"Hey Jess. I missed you bud." I coo to my loveable dog. I pet my dog for a little while longer. I look over at my right to see Em talking to Nat, locked into a deep conversation.

"Come on ladies; inside the house." I laugh wrapping my arms around her waste.

"Your sister is really nice. I like her." She whispers so only I can hear.

"That's good, love. I'm happy you don't hate her." I smile. Em shakes her head and looks around the walls. Family photos; pictures of me on special occasions and with my family and Jess.

"Look at little cute Braddy." Em coos looking at a picture that I'm totally younger in. About 9 or 10.

"Honey, it's so good to meet you after how much Brad's talks about you." A feminine voice appears behind us. My lovely mum. We spin on our heals and look towards my smiling mum.

"Hi. I'm Emily Greene." Em greets sticking her hand out anxiously. I think she's confused on how to act around my mum. To me; just be yourself and if you aren't snobby, stuck up or self centered my mum will absolutely adore you. Mum pushed Em's hand away and pulls her into a loving hug.

"I'm Bradley's mum; Anne."

"Hello." Em says confidently. I clear my throat and both woman look at me.

"Hi mum. I missed you too, yeah it's great to see you." I say sarcastically pretending to have a conversation with mum. Emily laughs and pushes my shoulder lightly.

"Happy birthday honey. You're officially a young man at the age of 18." Mum says hugging me tightly yet very comforting.

"Staying for dinner?" She requests. I nod and so does Em after me in confirmation.

"Awesome, we can talk about Bradley over dinner later tonight." She cheers clapping her hands running off down the empty hall.

"Sorry, she can be kinda weird sometimes." I laugh awkwardly rubbing the back of my neck. Em's hand come in contact with my face, her little hands cupping the shape of my face in her hands. She leans in and softly kisses me. It feels like we're the only ones on earth right now. Just me and my beautiful girl friend, standing here kissing each other passionately.

We pull away after a short while so we don't get caught in action. I lean my head against Em's and sigh happily.

"Don't be silly, I like her." She giggles softly pecking my lips once more.


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