Chapter 32

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Emily's P.O.V

Does anyone else have those nights where you're lying in bed and you feel like you're sleeping, wait you know you're sleeping but you can hear the things around you. It's like you're awake but you're still dreaming and the sounds around you are entering your dream?
I have them all the time, and I am right now.

I'm lying in Brad's bed still and i'm estimating it's about 1am- around 3 and a half hours since I came up here.

I can faintly hear the small drops of rain hitting the window and the voices of Lauren and the lad's downstairs.
I don't know how their awake still, or at least Lauren, she didn't sleep at all on the plane here.

A loud roar of thunder hits, causing me to fully awake now.
I open my eyes, the window in the corner being lit up by a light post outside on the street.
That's only light patch in the bedroom, I can't see anywhere else.

I take a deep breath, putting my head in the pillow trying everything in my will power to ignore the storm outside the window and focus on something else.

If there was one thing in this world I wish I could change, it'd be for me not be afraid of thunder storms.

Another crack of thunder hits, effecting the closed window.
It rattles slightly.

"Shit." I curse. Turning my head slightly to the side.

I hear hurried steps running up to stairs.
Opening my eyes, I notice a figure running into Tristan's room.

Brad turns his light on, searching his empty bedroom.

"Brad?" I speak, hugging the pillow right.

He slowly turns around, walking to the frame of his bedroom door.

"What are you doin' in here?" He frowns, walking closer.

"Agh, I-I don't know, I can leave?" I mumble under my breath.
He quickly shakes his head.

"No, it's fine." Brad insists smiling at the sight in front of him.

"I came up to check on you.
The storm is getting pretty heavy. Are you alright?" He worries, sitting on the edge of his comfortable bed.

I look back to the window, and it's no lie that the rain had stopped drizzling and has started pelting down.

"Agh, yes and no?" I quietly laugh, clutching the pillow in hand.

Brad chuckles, putting his hand on my leg that was covered by the warm blanket. Not even a second later, he detaches his hand from my leg.

"Sorry." He blushes. I chuckle.

"It's fine." I shrug.

"So I'll be downstairs. If you need anything, you know where I am." Brad smiles, tucking a stray hair that had previously fallen in front if my face.
I whisper a quiet thank you.

Looking out the window again, I think of the thunder storm, the pelting rain, roars if thunder and bright sparks of lightening.

"Wait, Brad!" I rush, grabbing his wrist before he can walk out.

"This way I can protect you from anything around us. It's just you and I against the world." His words flashing through my mind for the 2nd time that night.

He gives me a questioning look.

"Um, could you stay?" I whisper, the hope easily identifiable in my voice.

He doesn't answer, he just slides his white top off.
In the dark, I can slightly see his abdomen.
The perfect abdomen that makes every girl drop dead to their feet.
He may not have the full on abs that show through his shirts, but it's still more then perfect.

He flips open the covers, lying down next to me.
Not expecting his next movements, he slowly and gently lowers his figure into mine, wrapping his arms protectively around my waste.

Without a word, he wraps his arms around my waste, placing his body on top of mine, his head in the base of my neck.
I think back to that night. He's doing the exact same things.

I wrap my arms around his waste also, running my finger tips up and down his spine.

"Do you remember that stormy night when you said to me; "This way-"

Brad doesn't let me finish.
"This way I can protect you from anything around us. It's just you and I against the world? Yes, I remember that night." Brad smiles into my neck, his eye lashes brushing against my skin.

"Brad?" I whisper.

"Yes, Em?"

"I'm sorry I had to leave you." I apologize.
A familiar feeling in my gut appears.

"I was 17 and I couldn't make my own decisions at the time.
As some older people would say;
I'm too young, I wouldn't know what I want just yet
but I did know."

"Emily..." Brad sighs, loosening his grip on my waste.
He balances his body weight on his elbows, hovering over me.

"You don't need to apologize." He shrugs, lowering himself down again, he resumes to his previous position, placing his head in the base of my neck.

"Are you wearing my t-shirt?" Brad laughs, observing his Arctic Monkeys tee.

I giggle, nodding my head.

"You look hot in my clothes." He whispers, kissing my neck. A smirk is evident on his face.

"Oh shut up." I blush, the heat rising to my neck.

I wrap my arms around his torso again, snuggling into his warm body as best as I can.

"It's just you and I against the world." Brad quotes.

"Just us." I breath agreeing.
I slowly fall asleep in the arms of my protector.

• • • •

Brad was still in shock of all that had happened that day.

In the back of his mind, Brad always had that nagging thought she wasn't coming back to him but he'd have to put that thought aside.

What Brad didn't know either was that Emily would wish every day that she was there, in his arms.

They have a young love.
They have the special love that is rare.
Not everyone gets to have, nor does everyone get to feel it.

This wasn't really a second chance for Brad and Emily, it was more a bump in the road in their plans.

If it weren't for Brad's best friends, he wouldn't be in the place he was now, in her embrace and if it wasn't for Jane and her dad's loving heart she shouldn't be in his arms, sleeping like nothing had happened that year.

But it wasn't a dream, it was real. Every day was real.
That year wasn't a dream they would wake up to in the morning and get over, that year was more a nightmare for the both of them. They couldn't just wake up and forget it, it was a nightmare that you can't forget, it had haunted them everyday that year.

They didn't want to forget each other, so they didn't.

And they sure as hell didn't want to lose their other half even if they were in two separate worlds.

They fought everyday, they fought every day just for one thing;

Each other.


Okay! Hellos every body reading! You're all amazing and I love you!

It's all because of you that Is It An Impossible Love has reached over 4k reads!
Thank you!
I hope you keep reading this book because I enjoy writing it!

-Beth! xx

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