Chapter 59 - Part One

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"Emily, come back here!" Lauren fiercely yells, slipping into her maid of honour/brides maid dress.
We chose her a nice black thigh length dress, sweet heart neckline, lacy with a white bow circling her waste and a pair of black 2 and a half inch high heels.

"Alright, alright!" I exclaim, getting flustered by the second.
It's 2 hours into my morning and I'm already being hassled. Isn't this suppose to be my day?

Stepping into my dress, I have a slight fear.
What if my baby bump that is quite clear now - if you actually look with an open mind - stops me from fitting into my dress?
I tried this dress on for the first time 2 months ago... A lot has changed since then.

The material slips onto my skin, fitting comfortably. Letting out a sigh of relief I run my hand over my stomach as Lauren rushes over to me, zipping up the dress from the back.

"Are you done?" She huffs, standing next to me in the mirror, a sudden look of admiration adoring her features.

I look over the dress.
Sweetheart neckline, gem stones smothered nicely along the top half of the dress. When it reaches my mid waist, it flows out into a lighter shade of white.
The dress is beautiful.

"Wow!" Lauren murmurs, pressing her hand to her heart. I turn around in my 2 inch heels, facing my best friend.

"Yeah, I'm done now." I nod. Loz softly smiles, taking my hand in hers and leading me towards a lady standing by a chair.

"This is Susan, she'll be doing your hair and makeup." Lauren explains. I smile, sitting down in the chair.

"So, how did you want your hair!?" Susan asks, taking my brown waves in her hands and releasing it behind my back.

I explain my thoughts, a look of satisfaction when I finish.

"I can do that." She grins, starting at my hair.
An hour later with my hair and make up done, I thank Susan, hugging her really quick.
Again for the millionth time this morning, I walk towards the wall length mirror.

I look pretty, beautiful even.

"Em?" Lauren's soft voice speaks.

"Yeah?" I crane my neck to the side.

"It's time." With her words, I nod. In silence, we walk to the car awaiting us outside my house.

I just manage to fit my dress in, resting my head back again the seat, closing my eyes.
I got hardly any sleep last night, for one I hadn't spoken to Bradley since the night before and two because I started thinking about this day and when I start thinking it's impossible to sleep.

"Em, we're here." I open my eyes to the voice from my left ear, turning my head slightly.
Nina sits there, smiling. Was she always here? Did I never notice her when I got in the car? But then again, I did fall asleep.

"Oh." Is all I can say.
Using Nina's help to exit the car, I take in the fresh scent of the water and talking all over.
We have 200-250 guests attending today.


"Jane, I don't know if I can do this." I panic, grabbing her shoulder. She frowns, caressing my cheek.

"What if I'm making a mistake?" I loosen my grip, dropping my arm to my side.

"Darling, look at me." Jane softly damands, so I do. My eyes open, connecting with her green ones. Behind her, my 3 bridesmaids stands there talking to Connor, James and Tristan.

"I can assure you my dear, this isn't a mistake. You two are madly in love, having a baby together.
Even if you start to refuse, I'm not going to let you make the same mistake as I did so many years ago.
Everyone's happy for you, friends and family have come out to share this day with the two of you." I search her eyes for any sign of lying.
I don't find any.

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