Chapter 18

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Emily's P.O.V

Soft laughs were heard from around the room I am in now. My eyes are closed so I haven't really looked to see but I assume it is the boys. Sighing I rub my eyes from my sleep.
Once my eyes are settled on the bright light, I take my time to look around at my surroundings.
Con and Tristan are on the other couch holding their hands to their mouths.

"You guys are weirdos." I mumble under my breath. I try sit up but something pulls me back down.
I look down. Brad has his arms around my waste. He's still asleep. Carefully trying to untangle myself from him I succeed after a few minutes. He looks so peaceful. I don't want to wake him up. The boys follow me into the kitchen.

"So are you guys doing anything today with work?" I ask them, walking over to the bench where the kettle is plugged in. 

"Yeah. I think we have a meeting with Joe. But I'm pretty sure he's coming here to the apartment." Tristan speaks up, answering me.

"Okay. Have you heard from James at all? I saw him leave the apartment yesterday." I ask them again.

"He's in his room. He seems better than he was any other day. He isn't moping around anymore." Con speaks up this time.
I nod my head facing them, taking a quick sip from my steaming hot mug of coffee. As soon as the steaming hot beverage touches my tongue it's spat out. It tastes disgusting.

"Do you guys wanna come with me to Starbucks? I could use a cool mint hot chocolate. My coffee sucks balls." I say quite disgusted.

"Sure. We'll wait for you to get dressed. We'll be waiting here." Tristan agrees. 

I walk pass them, making sure to run my hands through their hair that's styled to perfection.
Huge squeals were heard as I walked out of the kitchen and into the hall.

"Whoops. Accidents. My apologies." I yell from across the apartment.
They let out groans of annoyance.

I can picture it now. The two boys running around the kitchen trying to fix their hair but failing miserably because there isn't a mirror in the kitchen.

Once I'm in my room I decide I won't have a shower.
I pull on a pair of white skinny jeans, white plain top and a black leather jacket, not to forget my special black and white converse. I spray my One Direction fragrance in front of me and for fun, dramatically walk through it.

I brush out my knotted locks and leave it natural, except I leave a layer out my hair and place my short fringe and other pieces of hair backward, keeping that in a place with a few bobby pins.
Quickly I put on the minimal amount of makeup; eye liner, mascara and lip balm. Satisfied with my look today I grab my phone and some money. I think I did alright.

As I walk out the door I bump into something or someone's hard chest.
I look up at the tall figure to be met with James, not looking so miserable anymore.

"Hey, do you want to come to Starbucks with Tristan, Con and I?" I offer, trying to keep him in the group. 

"Sure. I'll be out in a short while." He replies with a happy grin. I nod my head once and walk towards the kitchen.

When i enter back in the living room, Brad sits on the floor, rubbing his eyes. He stands up and joins Tristan and Connor.

"Hey sleepy head." I greet walking up to my boyfriend, wrapping my arms around his torso. Brad warps his arms around my shoulders in a tight but comforting hug. 

"Hey beautiful." He greets back, with a kiss on the cheek.

"You smell amazing." Brad compliments taking a whiff of me.
I chuckle lightly and playfully hit his shoulder lightly with my hand.

"Yes, I know. Harry Styles does smell amazing." I tease. 

"Harry Styles huh? I bet I smell better than him." Brad coos into my ear softly.
It's my turn to take the time to take in his aroma. Even if I have done it many times before.
"Yep. Definitely better." I agree with him. The boys on the other side of the kitchen chuckle and walk out of the room, both shaking their heads.

"I'm going to come with you guys. Is James coming?" Brad asks wrapping his arms around my waste now, so I lock my arms around his neck but resting my cheek against his chest, listening to his heart beat.

"Mhm. He's coming." I sigh happily into his chest.

"Well I'll be out in a little bit. I won't take too long." Brad whispers into my ear, placing a quick kiss to my cheek for the second time today.
He let's go of my waist and walks out of the door frame of the kitchen and into our shared room.( I'm guessing.)


New update!
Another chapter will be up tomorrow, about the same time.

I want to put up a new book, but my fear is that it might just be a book that isn't liked and gets no reads.
So if you can, when I post the description have a look at it.
It'd mean a lot. You guys are the best.
Love you all.
-Beth xoxo.

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