Chapter 55

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The empty house falls emotionless, white walls feeling so plain.
Nina, Jane, dad and Lauren went out for the rest of the day. They all offered me to join, but I kindly declined and the boys are in the studio, recording.
I hadn't been alone in while, and I think I need that time.

The couch grows uncomfortable just as the door bell rings.
I stand up from the cushion, walking towards the door.
Not bothering about looking through the peep hole, I swing the door open. My eyes meet another pair of brown ones.
Recognising him instantly from yesterday, I shut the door in his face.

"Emily!" He shouts through the door.
What, so now we're on the first name basis? Thanks for letting me know.
I roll my eyes at the witty remark.

"How the hell do you know where I live?" I ask through the door. I stand on my tippy toes, closing one eye and placing the other into the hole.
He stands there, scratching the back of his neck with a look of regret.

"That doesn't matter, but please Emily. Let me in, I need to tell you something" stepping down from my toes, I shake my head.

"No, go away Joel" I turn my back from the door, taking a few steps away from the door.
His next sentence catches me off guard.

"Nathaniel's planning something" his voice was so quiet that even I could barely hear it, but lucky I did.
I spin on my heel, walking back and swinging the door open.
I grab him by the wrist, pulling him in and shutting the door behind me. I lock it.

"What do you mean Nathaniel is planning something?" I ask.

"Well I would've told you this earlier, but you walked away before I could say anything" Joel explains.

"What's he planning?" I ask.

"I don't know Emily, but it can't be good" Joel sighs, running his hand through his hair, as a sign of stress. It reminds me of what Brad would do in the exact same state.

"Last week, I met up with him at a club, as I have already told you and I gave him some information on... Brad" my jaw drops, my hands flying towards his chest.
My palms push against his front, he stumbles back a little bit.

"What do you mean you gave him information on Brad? My fiancé!?" I yell, pushing his chest once. He stands there unaffected.

"Emily, will you just quieten down? I'm sorry okay, but I want to help" he says, putting his hands out in surrender.

"I don't need your help" I hiss.

"You're on his side" I slowly say, realising that just now. My facial features harden.

"No!" He quickly declines, furiously shaking his head.

"As I told you today, I have known Nate for about 7 years. We were best mates and now, after I found out what he did to you last year I have tried to distance myself from him. I moved here August last year, and a month back he followed asking for help" I shake my head, forcing myself not to believe his words.
He's a liar.

"I want to look out for you, your family, friends and Brad" Joel boldly says, pulling out a badge. Police badge.
What, now he's a fucking cop?

"I was transferred from the Arizona Police force and down here to London. I'm a cop Emily and protecting people is my job" Joel explains. I keep my eyes on his badge raised in the air.
It's definitely real and not a fake.

Just wanting the best for my family, friends and fiancé, I give in.

"Okay, but from here on I want the truth" Joel gives me a smirk, nodding.

"The whole truth and nothing but the truth" He nods, quoting his job policities.


"Stop it dude, don't do it" my best mate, Trent tells me. He shakes his head.

"I have to Trent! It's the only way I will get her back, I love this girl and I stuffed up last year, I know that but this is the only thing that will bring her back to me!" Trent shakes his head, opening the door to the hotel I'm staying in.

"Don't do it man, we've all changed for the better, I think you need to wake up and do the exact same. We aren't 17 anymore Nathaniel, we're 24!" The door slams shut a moment later.

She's ripping me to shreds!

I wish I could just take everything back, have her forget everything and we could live a normal and happy life- not her with that British kid.

I want her to love me like I love her.

I make a quick decision, hopping onto my laptop for a few minutes and shutting it.
I grab my keys and coat, exiting the hotel room. I need to do this for her.

My mind replays her words from not long ago.

"That may work on other girls, Nathaniel but I'm not like any other girls. I've been to hell and back in my 18 years and I'm not about to make that a lifetime worth. You'll find someone Nathaniel Stark, that you'll love and she'll love you back just as much."

"You'll find someone Nathaniel Stark,"

"You'll find someone."

It takes me 10 minutes to walk there. The house in front of me is big and compared to the others houses on this street, it's bold and stands out. Walking up the concrete path and to the door, I raise my fist and knock on the white door a few times.

It takes about 30 seconds for the door to open, her beautiful face greeting me at the door. The words that are released from her mouth aren't very greeting though.

"What do you want now, Nathaniel?" She sighs, leaning against the door frame, while still holding the door. My eyes catch something on her left hand. I don't believe it at first until she moves her hand to her hip and you can clearly see the diamond ring on her fourth finger.

"You're getting married?" I ask, looking into her brown orbs.
She looks down at her left hand, surprised.

"Yes." She nods, looking me straight in the eye.
She isn't lying and I don't think she'd just wear a ring for no reason. She was always big on tradition.

"Oh... Okay." I nod, looking away.

"You'll find someone Nathaniel Stark,"

"I want to say goodbye." I admit, turning my eyes back into hers.
She looks confused for a second, standing up straight.

"Goodbye?" She wonders, I nod.

"I'm going back home. I'm going to go back to college and start my life, my future." It feels weird saying all this, but it's what I have to do.

"You should and I wish you luck." A genuine smile graces her lips, the first smile of hers I've seen in many months.

"Goodbye, Emily." I offer a small wave, taking a few steps back.

"Bye Nathaniel." She whispers, waving back.

I spin around, walking down the few steps and concrete path.
When I reach the road, I look back. Emily still stands there, looking back at me.
Maybe she still cares? Maybe after everything I did to her, she might still care?

I plan to earn her trust back. Not tomorrow and not next week.
When I can get my head straight, meet someone else, go to college and get a stable job, I'll try and contact her.

Everything will fall into place soon enough.

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