Chapter 40

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Hello everyone, so a quick note. This chapter goes into some deep ass shit and it took me forever to write so please enjoy. And please don't judge my writing. I'll take it down if you guys don't like it. Explanations will be told in a few chapters time.

o.0 o.O


"And once Emily reached the age of 7 she started to become so sassy." Dad laughs, rolling his blue eyes.
We were all sitting down at the dinner table, eating tea while dad shares stories... Most about me.
When I say we all, I mean quite literally all of us; Jane, dad, Brad, Lauren, Con, James, Tris and me. The 8 of us.

"One afternoon I came home from work to see my princess standing in just her undies..." My jaw drops in complete shock. I remember that day.

"Dad!" I squeal covering my beet red face. Brad chuckles to my left, taking my hand in his while continuing to eat his food. My hand and arm tingles, his touch making my mind feel all fuzzy. A small smile eases onto my face, blushing even more when he smiles back.
What does he do to me?

Dad winks at me, cheekily smiling and proceeding his 'story' about me.

"Well coming home from work to see my 7 year old daugter practically bare to the foot I started to worry, thinking things. She was too young to do that. Luckily she wasn't doing what I thought." Tris full on laughs, not holding back hitting my side in histerics.
So funny Tristan Evans, so freaking funny.

"So it turns out that Em was in that state because her mum wanted her to wear the purple dress, where as she wanted to wear the apricott dress. Damn, she put up a fight. I actually remember her flicking her hair over her shoulder at one point." Dad explains, pretending he has luscious long hair, dramatically flicking it over his shoulder.

"Nice try dad, nice try." I whisper to myself, shaking my head.

"I started to worry at that point who her friends were at school, who was influencing my baby girl to become a drama queen," Dad accusingly stares at Lauren, knowing full well that she has been my best friend since that age.

"Hey, don't look at me like that." Lauren laughs, hands in front of her announcing surrender.
He rolls his eyes, looking into my eyes lightly smiling.
Everyone carries out their own conversation, James and Connor talking with Jane. I have a slight feeling Jane is having a little melt down being near someone as she explains "hot like the sun at it's peek" aka: James.

"I love you baby girl."Dad mouths to me.

"I love you too, daddy." I whisper more memories of my childhood arising to the surface. It's been 3 days since dad and Jane arrived.

Dinner ends not too long after that, Jane and dad heading off to bed. The 6 of us decide that tonight is a good night to watch movies.

"Hey Tris..." I smirk, rounding the kitchen corner and into the living room where our movie night is being held.

"Hm?" he hums, turning his back to face me, with out warning a pillow hitting him spot on the nose. A grunting noise leaves his lips, surprised.
Job succeeded.
I walk away, back straight and head held high proud of my success.

Rounding another corner I walk straight into a firm chest, nearly collapsing until a firm hold on my waste catches and steady's me. I squeeze my eyes shut, scared to open them.

"Hey love." his soft voice whispers. Slowly I re-open my eyes coming front to front with Brad.
A wide smile laps over my face.

"Thanks." I say, quickly pecking his lips. Brad frowns, unsatisfied.
He lowers himself, our lips barely connecting. Not even a second later we're lip locked in a careful and passionate kiss.
I wrap my arms around his neck playing with his brown locks, his arms lifting me to stand on my feet, hands holding my hips.
Our lips move in sink, the same burning sensation like every other time he touches my skin.
His tongue swipes over my bottom lip asking for entrance. I grant him access, opening my mouth.
His tongue roams my mouth, a small moan escaping my throat. I lightly pull at his hair, moving my hands from his neck to his jaw, pulling his face the absolute closest it could come to mine.

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