Chapter 30

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Emily's P.O.V

I look to my right, Lauren fast asleep on the plane.
We're in New York now- the boys small tour.

I think back to the last few months.
How things changed - all because of one person.

Right then and then, I swore to myself that I- Emily Greene, will see him again.
I will do everything in my power to see Bradley Will Simpson again.

"I promise" I whisper to myself.

Brad's P.O.V

I drop the book in my hand, falling to the ground in sobs.
Tristan, James and Connor try to take me back to a seat, I push them away.

"Brad, man. Come on." Tris sighs, placing his hand on my back between my shoulder blades.
After a moment of recomposing myself I slowly stand up with the help of Connor and James.

Without another thought, I crash into Tris' open arms.
Tristan was the closest to her out of all the boys, so I know he's going through the same thing as me- but less pain.

Tears still fall down my cheeks. I don't wipe them away though. We stand there hugging each other, not caring about other people's thoughts.

Who cares if there is 2 guys, ages 19 and 18 hugging the loss of someone very special to them?

I should have ran faster.

I SHOULD have stopped her.
But I didn't, I let her go.

"I miss her Tris." I whisper.

"Me too B, me too." He sighs, hugging me tighter.

• • •
Third Persons P.O.V

It's been one whole year.

1 whole year since Brad and Emily have spoken.

Brad continues with his career, playing music with his best friends for the world.
He still wears the necklace she gave him too.
What's even more extraordinary, Brad carries her brown diary around everywhere he goes.

Emily is living in Arizona with her father and her best friend, Lauren.
She hasn't spoken to him once that whole year.
Why should she? He took her away, she didn't get a say in any of it.

Emily Greene has a job with the local bookshop. She didn't want anything too big just yet.
Plus- she was saving up. Saving up to go back.
Sure, she's made quite a few friends while being in America, but nothing compares to the British boy band she fell for over a year ago.

She miss' him everyday.
But what surprises everyone the most- Emily hasn't spoken to none of them nor stayed on twitter to see their success.
She deleted the app, yes. Every social app actually.
She wants to hear it from them one day when they reconnect.

Her dad thought it was just a phase her not talking to him.
But he soon realized it was more then a phase.
He realized that when it reached the half year mark.

Emily's P.O.V

"Darling, you're here!" My boss smiles, hugging me tight.
I work in a local book shop with an amazing ageing lady.
She knows everything that's happened to me- she's like my grandmother figure.

"Hi Jane." I grin back, accepting her embrace.

"How bout we go for a quick coffee stop before hours start?" She offers, grabbing her back from behind the counter.

"Yes, of course." I say, linking my arm with Janes.

Once we reach a little corner coffee shop that we'd always visit a few times a week, the kind gentleman called Joseph- around Jane's age brought us our drinks.
He knows quite a few people around here, he also knows their order off by heart so instead of asking he'lljust bring it to you.

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