Chapter 43

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"Jane?" I murmur, walking into the dark room.
I stick my hands out in front of me, careful not to trip on anything.

"Yes darling?" A tired voice speaks back.
I follow the voice to a soft bed.

"Can we talk?" I plead, crawling over the bed to her side.
I lay on my back, looking up at the roof.

"Of course sweet pea"

Why's it so hard to tell her?
Tell her Emily!
Tell her that you're in love and engaged.
Tell her that you've found the one that treats you like a princess.
I'm afraid, she might react badly.

Tell Jane

"What's up?" She questions, taking my left hand into hers.

"What do you think about young love?"

Don't stall!

I mentally tell my conscious to shut up. This isn't stalling, I just want to hear her opinion.

Maybe I am stalling, I think to myself.

When she doesn't answer, I ask another question.

"Do you believe in young love?"

"Emily my dear, young love is amazing.
Sure it doesn't always work out, the love differs and before you know it, you're alone again.
Young love does exist though.
If you're matured and have found someone that treats you like their everything, would run thousands of miles, holds you like they held their precious teddy when they were younger, kisses you like there's no tomorrow then darling you'd found it.
You can't get this mixed up with pure lust though" I let the information I was just given sink in.

"I do believe in young love, my dear. Why do you ask?"

"I'm not too sure. What's the earliest age you think you should get married?" I wonder.

Here we go again!

"You have a lot of questions" Jane laughs. I chuckle, hiding my shy smile.

"I don't know if I ever told you this back home but do you remember Joe?" I nod my head.

"Yeah" I smile.

"Well, Joe was my boyfriend" I historically laugh, patting my stomach.

"Really!?" I ask, realising she isn't kidding.

"Yep. He was the love of my life" She sighs, squeezing my hand tight.

"What happened?"

"He proposed to me when I was 16, he was 19"

"But you aren't married?"

"I declined. Joe loved me and I loved him, but I was 16! I wasn't ready for that commitment. I had my whole life ahead of me still" She explains.

"Do you regret saying no?" I wonder, turning on my side to face her.
Her silhouette stands out.

"Every-single-day" Jane whispers. I frown and she illaberates.

"Saying no was probably the biggest mistake I have ever made in my whole life.
He was different, ya know?
After our break up he moved away, I looked and searched for someone that could love me like he did. No one compared"

"Emily, you can get married at any age, that's appropriate of course if you feel that you're ready.
If you feel that you're ready to settle down and commit" I nod my head.

I'm afraid.
So damn afraid.
Brad has so many fans and if our secret gets out, I could get so much hate.
Society will judge, firstly because I'm too young and I'm too young, I don't know what love is.

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